:Art and Ethics in Joseph Brodsky, Seamus Heaney, and Geoffrey Hill
/ David-Antoine Williams
Oxford ;New York
: Oxford University Press
, 2010.
xi, 240 p.
(Oxford English monographs)
Ethics, literature, and the place of poetry. The case against ; The "ethical turn" ; Poetry and ethics ; Defending poetry ; T.S. Eliot and the modernist defence ; A duty to language : the example of Eliot ; Learning from Eliot -- Joseph Brodsky : a "peremptory trust in words". Placing Brodsky ; The state v. Brodsky ; The poet v. society ; The poem and the person, face to face -- Seamus Heaney : beyond the "dialect of the tribe". Redresses ; Soundings ; Crossings ; Connections ; Translations -- Geoffrey Hill : a "question of value". The endurance of value ; The value of endurance ; Memorizing memorializing ; Silence and suffering ; Weight of the word.
Brodsky, Joseph Alexandrovich, 1940-1996 -- Criticism and interpretation
Heaney, Seamus, 1939-2013 -- Criticism and interpretation
Hill, Geoffrey, 1932- -- Criticism and interpretation
Ethics in literature
برادسکی، یوسیف آلکساندروویچ،۱۹۹۶ - ۱۹۴۰ م. -- نقد و تفسیر