/ edited by Marco Goldoni and Christopher McCorkindale
Oxford ;Portland, Oregon
: Hart Publishing
, 2013.
xx, 362 p.
(Law and practical reason
; v
Law beyond command? : An evaluation of Arendt's understanding of law / Keith Breen -- Between freedom and law : Hannah Arendt on the promise of modern revolution and the burden of "the tradition" / Michael A. Wilkinson -- Law and the space of appearance in Arendt's thought / Johan van der Walt -- A lawless legacy : Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben / Vivian Liska -- Arendt's constitutional question / Emilios Christodoulidis and Andrew Schaap -- The role of the Supreme Court in Arendt's political constitution / Marco Goldini and Chris McCorkindale -- A constitutional niche for civil disobedience? : Reflections on Arendt / William Smith -- The search for a new beginning : Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers as critics of West German parliamentarianism / Kari Palonen -- Facing the abyss : international law before the political / Florian Hoffmann -- International law and human plurality in the shadow of totalitarianism : Hannah Arendt and Raphael Lemkin / Seyla Brunkhorst -- Power and the rule of law in Arendt's thought / Hauke Bronkhorst -- Hannah Arendt and the languages of global governance / Jan Klabbers -- "How dangerous can it be to be innocent" : war and the law in the thought of Hannah Arendt / Patricia Owens -- Hannah Arendt's judgement of bureaucracy /Leora Bilsky --Arendt in Jerusalem, Demjanjuk in Munich / Lawrence Douglas -- Between politics and law : Hannah Arendt and the subject of rights / Charles Barbour -- Citizens and persons : legal status and human rights in Hannah Arendt / James Bohman -- The right to have rights : from human rights to citizens' rights and back / Samantha Besson.