Human rights and the impact of ICT in the public sphere
: Participation, Democracy, and Political Autonomy
\ Christina M. Akrivopoulou, Hellenic Open University, Greece, N. Garipidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Hershey, PA
: Information Science Reference, an Imprint of IGI Global
, 2014
xxvii, 371 pages
Advances in public policy and administration (APPA) book series.
"A volume in the advances in public policy and administration (APPA) book series"--T.p.
"Premier Refrence Source." -- cover
Digital participation : the case of the Italian "Dialogue with citizens" / Gianluca Sgueo --E-participation : a way for creating public value / Rawan T. Khasawneh, Rasha A. Abu Shamaa, Wafa'a A. Rabayah --Digital democracy and trade unionism : the case of precariously employed workers in Greece / Stavros Amanatidis, Olga Eirini Palla --Digital democracy and trade unionism : the case of precariously employed workers in Greece / Athanasios Tsakiris, Costas Eleftheriou --Dignity as the ultimate boundary to the freedom of speech : an account of Jeremy Waldron's "Harm in hate speech" argument / Christina M. Akrivopoulou --Vengeance culture online : a qualitative meta-analysis and position paper / Shalin Hai-Jew --ICT4D and its potential role in the detection, surveillance, and prevention of novel zoonotic disease outbreaks for global, national, and local pandemic prevention / Shalin Hai-Jew --The practice of naming and shaming through the publicizing of "culprit" lists / Fereniki Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi --We-transparency / Marco Bani, Gianluca Sgueo --The potential for ICT tools to promote public participation in fighting corruption / Arjun Neupane, Jeffrey Soar, Kishor Vaidya, Sunil Aryal --ICTs, public access to documents, and transparency in the European Union : the role of the European Ombudsman / Marios Papandreou --Privacy and accountability of public figures / Despina A. Tziola --Privacy and accountability of public figures, international jurisprudence : the cases of N. Campbell, M. Mosley, Caroline of Monaco, and F. Mitterrand / Despina Kiltidou --Accountability and responsibility in the public sphere : impeachment in the political system of the United States of America / Alexandros Passiatas --The inclusion and design of cultural differences in interactive multimedia environments / Vehbi Turel, Eylem Kılıç --The use and design of supplementary visuals for the enhancement of listening skills in hypermedia / Vehbi Turel --Priority of listening materials for autonomous intermediate language learners / Vehbi Turel --Factors affecting listening / Vehbi Turel.
"This book focuses on the new technological era as an innovative way to initiate democratic dialogue, but one that can also endangers individual rights to freedom, privacy, and autonomy"--
Information technology
تکنولوژی اطلاعات
-- Political aspects
-- جنبههای سیاسی
Political participation-- Technological innovations.