\ edited by A.C.S. Peacock, Bruno De Nicola and Sara Nur Yildiz.
: Ashgate
, 2015
xxii, 430 p.
:ill, maps
Christians in the Middle East, 600-1000: conquest, competition and conversion / Philip Wood -- Christian views of Islam in early Seljuq Anatolia: perceptions and reactions / Alexander Beihammer -- Patterns of Armeno-Muslim interchange on the Armenian plateau in the interstice between Byzantine and Ottoman hegemony / Peter Cowe -- The rape of Anatolia / Scott Redford -- Liquid frontiers: a relational analysis of maritime Asia Minor as a religious contact zone in the thirteenth-fifteenth centuries / Johannes Preiser-Kapeller -- Greek orthodox communities of Nicaea and Ephesus under Turkish rule in the fourteenth century: a new reading of old sources / Johannes Pahlitzsch -- Byzantine appropriation of the Orient: notes on its principles and patterns / Rustam Shukurov -- Other encounters: popular belief and cultural convergence in Anatolia / Antony Eastmond -- Thirteenth-century "Byzantine" art in Cappadocia and the question of Greek painters at the Seljuq court / Tolga Uyar -- An interfaith polemic of medieval anatolia: Qadi Burhan al-Din al-Anawi on the Armenians and their heresies / Andrew Peacock -- "What does the clapper say?" an interfaith discourse on the Christian call to prayer by Abdisha bar Brakha / Salam Rassi -- Sunni orthodox vs. Shiite heterodox?: a reappraisal of Islamic piety in medieval Anatolia / Rza Yldrm -- Mevlevi-Bektashi rivalries and the Islamisation of the public space in late Seljuq Anatolia / Judith Pfeiffer -- Battling kufr (disbelief) in the land of infidels: Gulsehri's Turkish adaptation of Attar's Mantiq al-tayr / Sara Nur Yldz -- Islamisation through the lens of the Saltuk-name / Ahmet Karamustafa.