\ edited by Paul B. Pedersen, Walter J. Lonner, Juris G. Draguns, Joseph E. Trimble, Maria R. Scharron-del Rio
Seventh edition.
Los Angeles, London
, 2016
xx, 563 p.
Toward effectiveness through empathy / Paul B. Pedersen and Mark Pope -- Counseling encounters in multicultural contexts: an introduction / Juris G. Draguns -- Assessment of persons in cross-cultural counseling / Walter J. Lonner -- Multicultural counseling foundations: a synthesis of research findings on selected topics / Timothy B. Smith, Alberto Soto, Derek Griner, and Joseph E. Trimble -- Counseling North American indigenous peoples / John Gonzalez and Joseph E. Trimble -- Counseling Asian Americans: client and therapist variables / Frederick T.L. Leong, D. John Lee, and Zornitsa Kalibatseva -- Counseling persons of Black African ancestry / Ivory Achebe Toldson, Kelechi C. Anyanwu, and Casilda R. Maxwell -- Counseling the Latino/a from guiding theory to practice: Adelante! / J. Manuel Casas, A. Pati Cabrera, and Melba J.T. Vasquez -- Counseling Arab and Muslim clients / Marwan Dwairy and Fatimah El-Jamil -- Gender, sexism, heterosexism, and privilege across cultures / Michi Fu, Joe Nee, and Yin-Chen Shen -- Counseling the marginalized / Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez, Melissa Donovick, and Kee J.E. Straits -- Counseling in schools: issues and practice / Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy and Ileana Gonzalez -- Reflective clinical practice with people of marginalized sexual identities / Eliza A. Dragowski and Maria R. Scharron-del Rio -- Counseling international students in the context of cross-cultural transitions / Nancy Arthur -- Counseling immigrants and refugees / Fred Bemak and Rita Chi-Ying Chung -- Counseling survivors of disaster / Beth Boyd -- Counseling in the context of poverty / Laura Smith and Melanie E. Brewster -- The ecology of acculturation: implications for counseling across cultures / Jaimee Stuart and Colleen Ward -- Health psychology and cultural competence / Daisy R. Singla and Frances E. Aboud -- Well-being and health / James Allen, Jordan Lewis, and Michelle Johnson-Jennings -- Family counseling and therapy with diverse ethnocultural groups / Guillermo Bernal, Jennifer Morales-Cruz, and Keishalee Gomez-Arroyo -- Religion, spirituality, and culture-oriented counseling / Mary A. Fukuyama and Ana Puig -- Drug and alcohol abuse and health promotion in cross-cultural counseling / Lisa Rey Thomas and Dennis M. Donovan -- Group dynamics in a multicultural world / Mary B. McRae.