Law and politics; the Henry Sidgwick memorial lecture. Nov. 1935.--Law and order; address, Regina, Sask. Aug. 1928.--Law and ethics; inaugural address, Edinburgh. 1933.--Law and religion; inaugural address, Edinburgh. Oct. 1933.--Two ways of thinking; the Rede lecture. May 1934.--Scots law as a subject of comparative study; address, The Hague. Aug. 1932.--Law and history; address, Edinburgh. Oct. 1934.--Law and letters; address, Chicago. Aug. 1930.--Law and language; presidential address, Birmingham. May 1931.--The ethics of advocacy; address, Glasgow. Feb. 1916.--Some observations on the art of advocacy; address, Birmingham. Dec. 1933.--Lord Chancellor Birkenhead: I. His judicial work (the Empire review, Oct. 1923) II. A review of his "Fourteen English judges" (the Empire review, Feb. 1926) III. An introduction to his "Last essays." 1930.--The professional mind; the Maudsley lecture. May 1934.--Law and the citizen; lecture, Glasgow. Apr. 1936.