Horror and the Idea of Everyday Life: On Skeptical Threats in Psycho and The Birds / Philip J. Nickel -- Through a Mirror, Darkly: Art-Horror as a Medium for Moral Reflection / Philip Tallon -- The Justification of Torture-Horror: Retribution and Sadism in Saw, Hostel, and The Devil's Rejects / Jeremy Morris -- Hobbes, Human Nature, and the Culture of American Violence in Truman Capote's In Cold Blood / Thomas Fahy -- Making Their Presence Known: TV's Ghost-Hunter Phenomenon in a "Post-" World / Jessica O'Hara -- The Vampire with a Soul: Angel and the Quest for Identity / Amy Kind -- Ideological Formations of the Nuclear Family in The Hills Have Eyes / Lorena Russell -- Zombies of the World, Unite: Class Struggle and Alienation in Land of the Dead / John Lutz -- The Fall of the House of Ulmer: Europe vs. America in the Gothic Vision of The Black Cat / Paul A. Cantor -- From Domestic Nightmares to the Nightmare of History: Uncanny Eruptions of Violence in King's and Kubrick's Versions of The Shining / John Lutz -- "Hot with Rapture and Cold with Fear": Grotesque, Sublime, and Postmodern Transformations in Patrick Süskind's Perfume / Susann Cokal -- Shock Value: A Deleuzean Encounter with James Purdy's Narrow rooms / Robert F. Gross -- Making Monsters: The Philosophy of Reproduction in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Universal Films Frankenstein and The Bride of Frankenstein / Ann C. Hall -- Kitsch and Camp and Things That Go Bump in the Night; or, Sontag and Adorno at the (Horror) Movies / David MacGregor Johnston.
Horror films-- History and criticism.
Horror television programs-- History and criticism.