\ edited and translated by Andre Laks and Glenn W. Most
Cambridge, MA
: Harvard University Press
, 2016
Loeb Classical Library
; 524-526, 529-532
v.I. Introductory and reference materials .--v.II.p.1 Beginnings and early Ionian thinkers .--v.III.p.2. Early Ionian thinkers .--v.IV.--- .--v.V.--- .-- v.VI.p.1. Later Ionian and Athenian thinkers .--v.VII.p.2 Later Ionian and Athenian thinkers .--v.VIII.p.1. Sophists .-- v.IX.p.2 Sophists
"The works of the early Greek philosophers are not only a fundamental source for understanding archaic Greek culture and the whole of ancient philosophy, but also a perennially fresh resource that has stimulated Western thought until the present day. This nine-volume edition presents all the major fragments from the sixth to the fourth centuries BC."-- Provided by publisher.
Greek literature -- Early works to 1800 -- Collections
Philosophy, Ancient
Philosophers, Ancient
Sophists (Greek philosophy)
Pre-Socratic philosophers -- Ionia (Turkey and Greece)
Pre-Socratic philosophers -- Greece -- Athens
Greece -- Civilization -- To 146 B.C.
ادبیات یونانی -- متون قدیمی تا ۱۸۰۰م. -- مجموعهها