Frege )1991( -- The concept of truth in Frege's program )4891( -- Frege on truth )6891( -- Postscript to "Frege on truth" )4002( -- Frege and the hierarchy )9791( -- Postscript to "Frege and the hierarchy" )4002( -- Sinning against Frege )9791( -- Postscript to "Sinning against Frege" )3002( -- Frege on sense and linguistic meaning )0991( -- Frege on extensions of concepts, from 4881 to 3091 )4891( -- Frege on knowing the third realm )2991( -- Frege on knowing the foundation )8991( -- Frege on apriority )0002( -- Postscript to "Frege on apriority" )3002(.