"This collection of fourteen essays has its roots in the work of the Chronicles-Ezra-Nehemiah Section of the Society of Biblical Literature. The committee ... chose the topic, 'Was the chronicler a historian?', for the section's theme session at the 1994 annual meeting of the SBL."--Introd
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
]edited by[ M. Patrick Graham, Kenneth G. Hoglund and Steven L. McKenzie
Introduction / M. Patrick Graham, Kenneth G. Hoglund, Steven L. McKenzie -- Raymond B. Dillard, 4491-3991 : in memoriam / Tremper Longman III and Alan Groves -- The chronicler as historian : a comparativist perspective / Kenneth G. Hoglund -- The chronicler and his sources : historical and geographical / Anson F. Rainey -- Was the chronicler a historian? / Isaac Kalimi -- 1 Chronicles 1-9 and the reconstruction of the history of Israel : thoughts on the use of genealogical data in Chronicles in the reconstruction of the history of Israel / Roddy L. Braun -- Non-synoptic chronological references in the Books of Chronicles / William H. Barnes -- The chronicler as a historian : building texts / Ehud Ben Zvi -- The fight for peace : narrative and history in the battle accounts in Chronicles / John W. Wright -- History and historiography : the royal reforms / Gary N. Knoppers -- Prophets and prophecy in the Books of Chronicles / William M. Schniedewind -- The chronicler's speeches and historical reconstruction / Mark A. Throntveit -- 'You can't pray a lie' : truth and fiction in the prayers of Chronicles / Samuel E. Balentine -- How many in a thousand? / Ralph W. Klein --The chronicler's account of Solomon's Temple-building : a continuity theme / John Van Seters -- Joash of Judah according to Josephus / Christopher T. Begg
AU Graham, M. Patrick)Matt Patrick( 1950-
AU Hoglund, Kenneth G
AU McKenzie, Steven L 1953-
AU Dillard, Raymond B.)Raymond Bryan( 1944-1993
CO Society of Biblical Literature.Annual Meeting)4991 :Chicago, Ill.(