Barth and Schleiermacher on the doctrine of election :a systematic-theological comparison
Oxford ; New York
Oxford University Press
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]212[-221( and indexes
Matthias Gockel
Introduction : 'quite close--excuse me--to Schleiermacher' -- Barth on election -- Barth on Schleiermacher -- Barth and Schleiermacher -- Probing the tradition : Schleiermacher's revision of the doctrine in his essay on election -- Unconditional grace and predestination -- Election and general redemption through Christ -- One divine decree -- God, sin, and eternal damnation -- A universal predestination to salvation in Christ : the doctrine of election in the Christian faith -- Theology, the church, and Christianity -- The fundamental difference between God and the world -- Sin, grace, and redemption through Jesus -- Summary and critical evaluation -- From reprobation to election : Barth's revision of the doctrine of election in his Commentary on Romans -- Predestination as an act of God -- Reprobation and election -- Jesus Christ and God's universal faithfulness -- To believe or not to believe : the doctrine of election in the Gottingen dogmatics -- The function of the doctrine -- God's revelation in hiddenness -- The teleology of God -- Summary : Barth's earlier doctrine of election -- Barth's christological revolution -- Lectures on the 'big theme' of election in 6391 and 7391 -- The revision of the doctrine in Church dogmatics II/2 -- The changes in Barth's doctrine of election