Includes bibliographical references )p. ]388[-404(and indexes
John Palmer
Parmenides' place in histories of presocratic philosophy: Historical narrative and Aristotle's influence ; The development of early Greek philosophy in Guthrie's narrative ; Advances in Parmenides interpretation and modifications of Guthrie's narrative ; Fundamentals of the ancient view of Parmenides ; Prospectus for a modal reading of Parmenides -- Parmenides' Three ways: Parmenides goes to the Halls of Night ; 'The only ways of inquiry ...' ; The Russellian line ; A modal interpretation of Parmenides' Ways of inquiry -- The way of the goddess and the way of mortals: Fragment 6: Instructions and admonition ; Fragment 3: The availability of what is for understanding ; Fragment 7: Further admonition ; Parmenidean being -- What must be and what is and is not: The Way of conviction ; The cosmology ; The co-presence of what is and what is and is not -- Zeno, Melissus, and Parmenides: Zeno and Parmenides ; Melissus and Parmenides ; Melissus as an Eristic -- Anaxagoras and Parmenides: Anaxagoras and his physical theory ; Anaxagoras and the principle of no becoming ; Anaxagoras and Zeno ; Anaxagoras and Parmenides: the true correspondence -- Empedocles' element theory and Parmenides: Empedocles' cosmology ; Parmenides' purported influence ; Empedocles' roots as a 'plurality of Parmenidean beings' ; Empedocles' cosmology and Parmenides' cosmology -- Parmenides' place in presocratic philosophy: Parmenides in retrospect ; Xenophanes, Parmenides, Empedocles ; Parmenides and the Milesians ; Parmenides and Heraclitus -- Appendix: The fragments of Parmenides' poem