American literature readings in the twenty-first century
Epublication based on: 9780230116986, 2011; Underwriting the Contemporary Missing Persons: Melancholy As Symptom in Less Than Zero, The Rules of Attraction and The Informers An Inner Critique: Commodity Fetishism, Systemic Violence and the Abstract Mutilated Subject in American Psycho Cloning the Nineties: Cultural Amnesia, Terrorism and Contemporary Iconoclasm in Glamorama 21st Century Gothic (or Post-9/11 Fatalism): Self-Parody, Reification and the Becoming Real of Cultural and Authorial Fictions in Lunar Park The Politics of Exposure: Unsafe Lines and Narratives of Conflict in Imperial Bedrooms
This book reads the whole of Bret Easton Ellis's oeuvre to date from Less Than Zero to Imperial Bedrooms. Colby recasts Ellis as a social critic and a literary figure who enables us to thinkThis book reads the whole of Bret Easton Ellis's oeuvre to date from Less Than Zero to Imperial Bedrooms. Colby recasts Ellis as a social critic and a literary figure who enables us to thinkThis book reads the whole of Bret Easton Ellis's oeuvre to date from Less Than Zero to Imperial Bedrooms. Colby recasts Ellis as a social critic and a literary figure who enables us to think