Distributional Model of Impacts -- Approximating Problems -- Variation Principles -- Two Bodies Colliding -- Multiconstraint Nonsmooth Dynamics -- Generalized Impacts -- Stability of Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems -- Feedback Control -- Appendices: Schwartz' Distributions; Measures and Integrals; Functions of Bounded Variation in Time; Elements of Convex |Analysis; Dissipative Systems.
This significantly enlarged and expanded second edition focuses on a class of nonsmooth hybrid dynamical systems, namely finite-dimensional mechanical systems subject to unilateral constraints. It contains a complete overview of the main problems in mathematics, mechanics, stability and control which are of interest in this field. The following topics are discussed in detail and are illustrated with examples: - shock dynamics; - multiple impacts; - feedback control; - Moreau's sweeping process; and - complementarity formulations. With a comprehensive bibliography of over a thousand references, Nonsmooth Dynamics is an indispensable source of information on impact phenomena and rigid-body dynamics. Praise for the first edition: The presentation is excellent in combining rigorous mathematics with a great number of examples ranging from simple mechanical systems to robotic systems allowing the reader to understand the basic concepts. Mathematical Abstracts It is written with clarity, contains the latest research results in the area of impact problems for rigid bodies and is recommended for both applied mathematicians and engineers. Mathematical Reviews