International Conference in Dublin, August 10-14, 1998 /
edited by Paul C. Eklof, Rüdiger Göbel.
Basel :
Imprint: Birkhäuser,
Trends in Mathematics
Ross Allen Beaumont (In Memoriam) -- Modular group algebras and simply presented groups -- Abelian automorphism groups of countable rank -- Transitivity and full transitivity over subgroups of abelian p-groups -- Subgroups of p5-bounded groups -- Groups acting on modules -- Some mixed abelian groups as modules over the ring of pseudo-rational numbers -- The Baer-Kaplansky theorem for direct sums of self-small mixed groups -- Finite rank Butler groups with small typesets -- Normal forms of matrices with applications to almost completely decomposable groups -- Admissible matrices as base changes of B(1)-groups: a realizing algorithm -- Butler modules over 1-dimensional Noetherian domains -- Completely decomposable summands of almost completely decomposable groups -- Some matrix rings associated with ACD groups -- Stacked bases for a pair of homogeneous completely decomposable groups with bounded quotient -- Separability conditions for vector R-modules -- Almost disjoint pure subgroups of the Baer-Specker group -- Abelian groups mapping onto their endomorphism rings -- Purity and Reid's theorem -- Basic subgroups and a freeness criterion for torsion-free abelian groups -- Absolutely rigid systems and absolutely indecomposable groups -- Around nonclassifiability for countable torsion free abelian groups -- On the compact-open topology of Ext(C,A) -- Direct decompositions of LCA groups -- Realizing automorphism groups of metabelian groups -- On the class semigroups of Prüfer domains -- Uniform modules, ?-invariants, and Ziegler spectra of regular rings -- Locally simple objects -- On purely extending modules -- The number of submodules.
This volume contains the refereed proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL CON FERENCE ON ABELIAN GROUPS AND MODULES held at the Dublin Institute of Technology in Dublin, Ireland from August 10th until August 14th, 1998. The meeting brought together more than 50 researchers and graduate stu dents from 14 countries around the world. In aseries of eight invited survey talks, experts in the field presented some active areas of research inc1uding: - Almost completely decomposable abelian groups, Butler groups and almost free groups - the c1assification problem, and invariants of special c1asses of torsion-free abelian groups. - Totally projective groups, their automorphism groups and their group rings - questions about unique passage between these categories. - Radicals commuting with products. - The Ziegler spectra of Neumann regular rings and the c1ass (semi-) groups of Prüfer domains. - The Krull-Schmidt property for valuation domains. These main talks were accompanied by many other presentations of cur rent research on abelian groups and modules. Methods from model theory, category theory, infinite combinatorics, representation theory, c1assical alge bra and geometry were applied to the study of abelian groups and modules; on the other hand, results and methods from abelian group theory were applied to general module theory and non-commutative groups.