54. Vector-Valued Functions of Several Real Variables -- 55. Level Curves/Surfaces and the Gradient -- 56. Linearization and Stability of Initial Value Problems -- 57. Adaptive Solvers of Initial Value Problems -- 58. Lorenz and the Essence of Chaos -- 59. Optimization -- 60. The Divergence, Rotation and Laplacian -- 61. Meteorology and Coriolis Forces -- 62. Curve Integrals -- 63. Double Integrals -- 64. Surface Integrals -- 65. Multiple Integrals -- 66. Gauss' Theorem and Green's Formula in R2 -- 67. Gauss' Theorem and Green's Formula in R3 -- 68. Stokes' Theorem -- 69. Potential Fields -- 70. Center of Mass and Archimedes' Principle -- 71. Newton's Nightmare -- 72. Laplacian Models -- 73. Chemical Reactions -- 74. Calculus Tool Bag II -- 75. Piecewise Linears in R2 and R3 -- 76. FEM for Boundary Value Problems in R2 and R3 -- 77. Inverse Problems -- 78. Differential Equations Tool Bag -- 79. Applications Tool Bag -- 80. Analytic Functions -- 81. Fourier Series -- 82. Fourier Transforms -- 83. Incompressible Navier-Stokes: Quick and Easy -- 84. Fourier Analysis Tool Bag -- 85. Analytic Functions Tool Bag II -- Index.
Applied Mathematics: Body & Soul is a mathematics education reform project developed at Chalmers University of Technology and includes a series of volumes and software. The program is motivated by the computer revolution opening new possibilitites of computational mathematical modeling in mathematics, science and engineering. It consists of a synthesis of Mathematical Analysis (Soul), Numerical Computation (Body) and Application. Volumes I-III present a modern version of Calculus and Linear Algebra, including constructive/numerical techniques and applications intended for undergraduate programs in engineering and science. Further volumes present topics such as Dynamical Systems, Fluid Dynamics, Solid Mechanics and Electro-Magnetics on an advanced undergraduate/graduate level. The authors are leading researchers in Computational Mathematics who have written various successful books.