Introduction to gerontological nursing -- The aging population -- Theories of aging -- Therapeutic communication with older adults, families, and caregivers -- Teaching older adults and their families -- Comprehensive assessment of the older adult -- Promoting health aging -- Identifying and preventing common risk factors in the elderly -- Management of common illnesses, diseases, and health conditions -- Nursing management of dementia -- Polypharmacy -- Falls in older adults -- Delirium -- Anxiety & depression in the older adult -- Urinary incontinence -- Sleep disorders -- Dysphagia and malnutrition -- Pressure ulcers -- The gerontological nurse as manager and leader -- Ethical / legal principles and issues -- Culture and spirituality -- Sexuality -- Abuse and mistreatment of older adults -- Alternative health modalities -- Caring across the continuum -- End-of-life care -- Global models of health care -- Using current system models to guide care