O David Sparkman, Zelda E. Penton, Fulton G. Kitson
2nd ed
Burlington, MA :
Academic Press,
xix, 611 p. :
ill. ;
23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
The fundamentals of GC/MS -- Introduction and history -- Gas chromatography -- The GC/MS interface -- Mass spectrometry instrumentation -- Mass spectral data interpretation -- Quantitation with GC/MS -- GC conditions, derivatization, and mass spectral interpretation of specific compound types -- Acids -- Alcohols -- Aldehydes -- Amides -- Amines -- Amino acids -- Common contaminants -- Drugs and their metabolites -- Esters -- Ethers -- Fluorinated compounds -- Gases -- Glycols -- Halogenated compounds (other than fluorinated compunds) -- Hydrocarbons -- Isocyanates -- Ketones -- Nitriles -- Nitroaromatics -- Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compunds -- Nucleosides (TMS derivatives) -- Pesticides -- Phenols -- Phosphorus compounds -- Plasticizers and other polymer additives (including phthalates) -- Prostaglandins (MO-TMS derivatives) -- Solvents and their impurities -- Steroids -- Sugars (monosaccharides) -- Sulfur compounds -- Appendices -- A definitions of terms related to gas chromatography -- B definitions of terms related to mass spectrometry -- C atomic masses and isotope abundances and other information for the determination of an elemental composition from isotope peak intensity rations -- X+1 and x+2 values for ions containing atoms of C and H based on isotope contributions -- E isotope peak patterns for ions containing atoms of Cl and/or Br -- F steps to follow in the determination of an elemental composition based on isotope peak intensity ratios -- G derivatization in GC/MS -- H points of comparison of LC/MS vs GC/MS -- I list of available EI mass spectral databases -- J information required for reporting a GC/MS analysis -- K third-party software for use with GC/MS -- L GC installation and maintenance -- M Troubleshooting common GC problems -- N maintenance, operating tips, and troubleshooting for mass spectrometers -- O mixtures for determining mass spectral resolution -- P cross-index chart for GC stationary phases -- Q ions for determining unknown structures