Clinical reasoning in orthopaedic medicine -- Soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system -- Connective tissue inflammation, repair and remodelling -- Orthopaedic medicine treatment techniques -- The shoulder -- The elbow -- The wrist and hand -- The cervical spine -- The thoracic spine -- The hip -- The knee -- The ankle and foot -- The lumbar spine -- The sacroiliac joint
"In the new edition of this popular multidisciplinary text, Elaine Atkins, Jill Kerr and Emily Goodlad continue to advance the field of orthopaedic medicine. Always inspired by the work of Dr James Cyriax, this third edition - renamed A Practical Approach to Orthopaedic Medicine - updates techniques and incorporates recent research discoveries into the text. The introductory chapters deal with the principles of orthopaedic medicine, with the following chapters taking the clinician through the practice of orthopaedic medicine joint by joint." "A Practical Approach to Orthopaedic Medicine is a complete reference source that provides the most up-to-date principles and practice for students and postgraduate medical practitioners, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals, including podiatrists and osteopaths."