"Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc., at the 191st Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, New York, April 13-18, 1986."
Includes bibliographies and indexes.
A perspective on reversible gels and related systems / Paul S. Russo -- Viscoelastic behavior of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene pseudogels / B. Chung and A.E. Zachariades -- Dynamic light scattering and transient electric birefringence study of poly(vinyl chloride) microgels / S.J. Candau, Y. Dormoy, E. Hirsch, P.H. Mutin, and J.M. Guenet -- Concentration dependence of the polymer diffusion coefficient / Wender Wan and Scott L. Whittenburg -- Effects of aggregation and solvent quality on the viscosity of semidilute poly(vinylbutyral) solutions / C.W. Paul and P.M. Cotts -- Reversible polymer complexes stabilized through hydrogen bonds / Ilias Iliopoulos, Roland Audebert, and Claude Quivoron -- Association and gelation of polystyrenes via terminal sulfonate groups / Martin Möller, Jürgen Omeis, and Elke Mühleisen -- Solvent mobility in atactic polystyrene-toluene systems / Frank D. Blum and Byaporn naNagara -- Physical gelation of a steroid-cyclohexane system : kinetic phenomenological approach / P. Terech -- Nematic solutions of rodlike polymers : light scattering from nematic solutions with complex texture and phase separation in poor solvents / Kazunori Se and G.C. Berry -- Gelation of poly([gamma]-benzyl-[alpha], L-glutamate) / Paul S. Russo, Paul Magestro, and Wilmer G. Miller -- Structure formation and phase transformations in solutions of a rigid polymer / Yachin Cohen, Herbert H. Frost, and Edwin L. Thomas -- Ordering and gelation in DNA solutions / Victor A. Bloomfield -- Thermally reversible gelation of the gelatin-water system / Madeleine Djabourov and Jacques Leblond -- In vitro polymerization of complex cytoplasmic gels / Ralph Nossal -- Thermally reversible hydrogels : swelling characteristics and activities of copoly(N-isopropylacrylamide-acrylamide) gels containing immobilized asparaginase / Liang Chang Dong and Allan S. Hoffman -- N-isopropylacrylamide and N-acryloxysuccinimide copolymer : a thermally reversible, water-soluble, activated polymer for protein conjugation / Carol-Ann Cole, Sigrid M. Schreiner, John H. Priest, Nobuo Monji, and Allan S. Hoffman -- Lower critical solution temperatures of aqueous copolymers of N-isopropylacrylamide and other N-substituted acrylamides / John H. Priest, Sheryl L. Murray, R. John Nelson, and Allan S. Hoffman -- Polymer network studies using paramagnetic probes : Cu(II) in cross-linked polyacrylamide gels / Gary C. Rex and Shulamith Schlick.
Reversible polymeric gels and related systems.
Colloids, Congresses.
Polymer colloids, Congresses.
Polymers, Congresses.
Russo, Paul S.,1954-
American Chemical Society., Division of Polymer Chemistry.
American Chemical Society., Meeting(191st :1986 :, New York, N.Y.)