molecular analysis and design : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry at the 203rd national meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, California, April 5-10, 1992 /
A.M. Spanier, editor, H. Okai, editor, M. Tamura, editor
xiv, 352 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
ACS symposium series,
0097-6156 ;
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Molecular approaches to the study of food quality / A.M. Spanier -- Complexity of flavor recognition and transduction / John N. Labows and Robert H. Cagan -- Do we recognize sweetness and bitterness at the same receptor? / Kozo Nakamura and Hideo Okai -- Heterocyclic compounds in model systems for the maillard reaction : reactions of aldehydes with ammonium sulfide in the presence or absence of acetoin / Gaston Vernin, Jacques Metzger, Adel A.M. Sultan, Ahmed K. El-Shafei, and Cyril Párkányi -- Natural and synthetic compounds for flavor quality maintenance / Allen J. St. Angelo -- Role of proteins and peptides in meat flavor / A.M. Spanier and J.A. Miller -- Modern statistics and quantitative structure-activity relationships in flavor / John R. Piggott and S.J. Withers -- Approaches to mapping loci that influence flavor quality in raspberries / Alistair Paterson, John R. Piggott, and Jianping Jiang -- Supercritical fluid extraction of muscle food lipids for improved quality / Milton E. Bailey, Roy R. Chao, Andrew D. Clarke, Ki-Won Um, and Klaus O. Gerhardt -- New usage of aspartic acid and glutamic acid as food materials / Rie Kuramitsu, Masahiro Tamura, Masaru Nakatani, and Hideo Okai -- Convenient synthesis of flavor peptides / Masaru Nakatani and Hideo Okai -- Molecular design of flavor compounds using O-aminoacyl sugars / Masahiro Tamura and Hideo Okai -- Modification of lipids by modified lipase / Mototake Murakami, Masami Kawanari, and Hideo Okai -- Enzymatic modification of soy proteins to improve their functional properties for food use / F.F. Shih and N.F. Campbell -- Use of enzyme-active soya flour in making white bread / J.P. Roozen, P.A. Lining, and S.M. van Ruth -- Rapid fermentation of soy sauce : application to preparation of soy sauce low in sodium chloride / Shunsuke Muramatsu, Yoshihito Sano, and Yasuyuki Uzuka -- Large-scale preparation and application of caseinomacropeptide / Y. Kawasaki, H. Kawakami, M. Tanimoto, and S. Dosako -- Potential application of some synthetic glycosides to food modification / K. Kinomura, S. Kitazawa, M. Okumura, and T. Sakakibara -- Effect of interdroplet forces on centrifugal stability of protein-stabilized concentrated oil-in-water emulsions / Amardeep S. Rehill and Ganesan Narsimhan -- Determination of shrimp freshness using impedance technology / Patti L. Wiese-Lehigh and Douglas L. Marshall -- Conjugated dienoic derivatives of linoleic acid : a new class of food-derived anticarcinogens / Sou F. Chin, Jayne M. Storkson, and Michael W. Pariza -- Preharvest aflatoxin contamination : molecular strategies for its control / D. Bhatnagar, P.J. Cotty, and T.E. Cleveland -- Effects of ionizing radiation treatments on the microbiological, nutritional, and structural quality of meats / Donald W. Thayer, Jay B. Fox, Jr., and Leon Lakritz -- Antimicrobial peptides and their relation to food quality / Peter M. Muriana -- Physiological strategies to control geosmin synthesis in channel catfish aquaculture systems / Christopher P. Dionigi
Food flavor and safety.
Food-- Biotechnology, Congresses
Okai, H., (Hideo),1938-
Spanier, A. M., (Arthur M.),1948-
Tamura, M., (Masahiro),1956-
American Chemical Society., Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
American Chemical Society., Meeting(203rd :1992 :, San Francisco, Calif.)