Whole Body Interaction: An Introduction -- Springboard: Designing Image Schema Based Embodied Interaction for an Abstract Domain -- Whole Body Interaction in Abstract Domains -- Mirrored Motion: Augmenting Reality and Implementing Whole Body Gestural Control Using Pervasive Body Motion Capture Based on Wireless Sensors -- Sharing and Stretching Space with Full Body Tracking -- Waggling the Form Baton: Analyzing Body-Movement-Based Design Patterns in Nintendo Wii Games, Toward Innovation of New Possibilities for Social and Emotional Experience -- Exploring Bodily Engaging Artifacts Among Golfers, Skaters and Dancers --100 Whole Body Large Display Interfaces for Users and Designers -- Observations on Experience and Flow in Movement-Based Interaction -- Capacitive Sensors for Whole Body Interaction -- Towards a Whole Body Sensing Platform for Healthcare Applications -- Feasibility of Using a Head-Mounted Camera to Capture Dynamic Facial Expressions During Body Movement -- Body Gestures for Office Desk Scenarios -- Gesture-Based Interfaces: Practical Applications of Gestures in Real World Mobile Settings -- Estimation of Interest from Physical Actions Captured by Familiar User Device -- Towards a Framework for Whole Body Interaction with Geospatial Data
Whole Body Interaction is 'The integrated capture and processing of human signals from physical, physiological, cognitive and emotional sources to generate feedback to those sources for interaction in a digital environment' (England 2009). ""Whole Body Interaction"" looks at the challenges of Whole Body Interaction from the perspectives of design, engineering and research methods. How do we take physical motion, cognition, physiology, emotion and social context to push boundaries of Human Computer Interaction to involve the complete set of human capabilities? Through the use of various applica