Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mechatronics and Automatic Control /
Wego Wang, editor
1 online resource.
Lecture notes in electrical engineering ;
volume 334
Includes bibliographical references
Vol. I -- Development of a Multiple Stage Single-three Phase Power Converter -- An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Guided by Lévy Flights Disturbance Strategy for Global Optimization -- Modeling and Simulation of the Emergency Diesel Generator Based-on MATLAB -- Improvement of the Positioning Accuracy in GNSS Positioning Based on Neural Network -- Fingerprint Indoor Localization Algorithm Based on Modified AdaBoost -- The Metal Oxide Arresters On-line Monitoring System Based on WIA-PA.-Two-stage Optimal Scheduling Model of Hydro-thermal Electricity Based on Generation Performance -- Optimization Model of Multi-type Generating Units based on Latin Hypercube Sampling Method and Mean Lower Semi-absolute Deviation Theory -- Wind Farm Reactive Power Compensation Capacity Configuration -- Direction of Arrival Estimation of Two Wide-band Sources with Four-element Planar Cross Array Based on Three Algorithms -- Fast Segmentation Algorithm Based on Texture -- Optimal Test Selection of Complex Electronic System Based on Improved Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm -- External Evaluation of Power Supply Service Based on Zadeh Fuzzy Process -- Fault Features Study of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators on the Stator Windings Turn-To-Turn Short Circuit -- Rotor Fault Slots Positioning of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Based on Wavelet Decomposition -- An Improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm to Optimize the Parameters of PID -- Estimation of the State of Charge of the Battery Based on Driving Cycles Discriminant -- A 3D Coupled Field-Circuit Model for Analyzing the Internal Short-Circuit Faults of Power Transformer -- Based on the Power Factors of DFIG Wind Farm for Power Flow Optimization -- A Simple and Fast Edge Finding Algorithm for Generating RWG Function -- Internal AC Fault of Converter Station Based on Modular Multilevel Converter High Voltage Direct Current -- A Novel Method of On-line Measuring and Analyzing the Source Impedance -- Harmonic Analyzing Based on Cubic Spline Interpolated Arithmetic Fourier Transform.-Test Points Selection Method Research Based on Genetic Algorithm and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm -- Comparison of Form-finding Methods for Transmission Lines Based on ANSYS -- Power Flow Calculation for Weakly Meshed Distribution Network with Distributed Generations and Electric Vehicles -- Position Detection and Error Compensation for Tubular PMLSM with Hall-effect Sensors -- Security Monitoring Technology of Smart Grids -- Simulation Analyses and Realization of Lightning Current Monitoring System on Transmission Lines -- Analysis of Back Flashover Lightning Withstanding Level of 500kV Double-Circuit Transmission Lines -- Application of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition on Stator Inter-turn Short Circuit Fault in Doubly-fed Induction Generators -- Distribution System Reliability Assessment Based on the Improved Monte Carlo Method -- A Computing Tool for Composite Power System Reliability Evaluation Based on Monte Carlo Simulation and Parallel Processing -- Review of Voltage Sag Disturbance Recognition -- The Exterior Type Consistency Inspection System for Smart Meter -- Fault Diagnosis for Power Transformer Mainly Based on Power-on State Variables -- Automatic Generation of Power System Wiring Diagram Using XSL Based on SVG -- The Ice Edge Detection of Transmission Line Based On Structured Forest Algorithm -- Robust Control for Electrical Servo System Based on Sliding Mode Disturbance Observer -- Simulation Analysis of Impacts of Flow Characteristics on Power Oscillation -- Life Assessment and Optimized Maintenance System of Transformer Based on HST Model -- Design of Real-time Tracking System on High-Voltage Direct Current Converter Station Control and Protection System -- Transmission Line Parameters Coupling Algo-rithm Based on Synchronous Sampling Signals -- Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference Effects on Gas Pipelines Due to a Nearby Parallel UHV Transmission Line -- Online Monitoring System of the Grounding Status of Transmission Line Tower -- Novel Fault Isolation Method for Distributed Regional Longitudinal Protection in Smart Distribution Grid -- Grid Dispatching of Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Based on Thermodynamic System Model with Flow Dimension -- Targeted Comprehensive Strategy for Lightning Protection and Its Application in Anhui Power Grid -- Application of Leader Progression Model in Insulation Flashover Criterion for Lightning Performance Calculation -- The Risk Index System of Power Transformer Life Cycle Cost and Its Weight Determination -- Application of Differentiated Lightning Protection to Typical Transmission Lines in Mountainous Area -- The Effect of Hazheng Ultra High Voltage Di-rect Current Commutation Failure on Wind Power -- Chaotic Property Identification and Prediction of Performance Degradation Time Series for Hydropower Unit -- Vehicle Weigh-in-motion Systems Based on Particle Swarm Optimization -- Saturated Load Forecasting Based on Nonlinear System Dynamics -- An Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for Photovoltaic Systems -- Cosimulation Method for Asynchronous Motor Based on SaberRd_Simulink -- Selection Strategy of Form-finding Methods for Transmission Lines Based on ANSYS -- Research and Development of Prejudging Device for Open Circuit in Secondary Side of Current Transformer -- Motion State and Transient Analysis of Hybrid Power Coupling Mechanism Based on Matlab and Solidworks -- An Improved Unscented Kalman Filter Algorithm Based on QR Decomposition -- Comparison of UAV Target Tracking Techniques -- The Application of Fuzzy Pattern Recognition on Electromotor Malfunction Diagnosis -- Fuzzy Algorithm-Based Manufacturing Equipment Classification -- Multi-scale Fault Frequency Extraction Method Based on EEMD for Slewing Bearing Fault Diagnosis -- Robust Variance Control Algorithm for Dish Solar Generation Tracking System -- Low Speed Stability of Tracking Turntable for the Unmanned Air Vehicle Landing -- Vol
This book examines mechatronics and automatic control systems. The book covers important emerging topics in signal processing, control theory, sensors, mechanic manufacturing systems and automation. The book presents papers from the second International Conference on Mechatronics and Automatic Control Systems held in Beijing, China on September 20-21, 2014. Examines how to improve productivity through the latest advanced technologies Covering new systems and techniques in the broad field of mechatronics and automatic control systems
Automatic control, Congresses.
Mechatronics, Congresses.
TEC-- 009070
Wang, Wego
International Conference on Mechatronics and Automatic Control Systems(2nd :2014 :, Beijing, China)