SECT. 1. USE OF LANGUAGE. Overview of the use of language in documentation -- Professional communication -- Buzzwords, jargon, and abbreviations -- The occupational therapy practice framework and important other important documents -- Impact of models and frames of reference -- Document with CARE: general tips for good documentation -- SECT. 2. ETHICAL AND LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS. Overview of ethical and legal considerations -- Confidentiality and records retention -- Fraud and abuse -- Plagiarism -- SECT 3. CLINICAL DOCUMENTATION. Overview of clinical documentation -- Electronic health record -- Client identification: referral and screening -- Evaluation reports -- Goal writing -- Intervention plans -- SOAP and other methods of documenting ongoing intervention -- Discharge summaries -- SECT. 4. SCHOOL SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION. Overview of school system documentation -- Procedural safeguards: notice and consent forms -- Individualized family service plans -- Individualized education program -- SECT. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTATION. Overview of administration documentation -- Incident reports -- Appeal letters -- Meeting minutes -- Grant writing -- Policies and procedures -- Job descriptions