Pt. 1. The physical environment. Climate -- The aquatic environment -- The terrestrial environment
Pt. 2. The organism and its environment. Ecological genetics : adaptation and natural selection -- Plant adaptations to the environment -- Animal adaptations to the environment
Pt. 3. Populations. Properties of populations -- Population growth -- Life history -- Intraspecific population regulation -- Metapopulations
Pt. 4. Species interactions. Species interactions, population dynamics, and natural selection -- Interspecific competition -- Predation -- Parasitism and mutualism
Pt. 5. Community ecology. Community structure -- Factors influencing the structure of communities -- Community dynamics -- Landscape dynamics
Pt. 6. Ecosystem ecology. Ecosystem energetics -- Decomposition and nutrient cycling -- Biogeochemical cycles
Pt. 7. Ecological biogeography. Terrestrial ecosystems -- Aquatic ecosystems -- Coastal and wetland ecosystems -- Large-scale patterns of biological diversity
Pt. 8. Human ecology. Population growth, resource use, and sustainability -- Habitat loss, biodiversity, and conservation -- Global climate change