Imagining medieval hospitals : considerations on the cultural meaning of institutional change / Miri Rubin -- Healing the poor : hospitals and medical assistance in Renaissance Florence / Katharine Park -- The motivations of benefactors : an overview of approaches to the study of charity / Sandra Cavallo -- 'Hardly a hospital, but a charity for pauper lunatics'? : therapeutics at Bethlem in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Jonathan Andrews -- Two medical charities in eighteenth-century London : the Lock Hospital and the Lying-In Charity for married women / Donna Andrew -- The Societe de Charite Maternelle, 1788-1815 / Stuart Woolf -- Urban growth and medical charity : Hamburg 1788-1815 / Mary Lindemann -- The costs and benefits of caring : nursing charities, c.1830-c.1860 / Anne Summers
Lay and medical conceptions of medical charity during the nineteenth century : the case of the Huddersfield General Dispensary and Infirmary / Hilary Marland -- The function and malfunction of mutual aid societies in nineteenth-century France / Allan Mitchell -- The modernization of charity in nineteenth-century France and Germany / Paul Weindling -- Government and charity in the distressed mining areas of England and Wales, 1928-30 / Bernard Harris -- The aches of industry : philanthropy and rheumatism in inter-war Britain / David Cantor