1. The poetry of Eugene Onegin. The Russian language. Problems of translation. The Onegin stanza. A close look at two stanzas -- 2. Shades of unreality. The story. The presence of Pushkin. Inherited perceptions of Eugene Onegin. Morning into midnight -- 3. The unreal reputations of Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina. Eugene Onegin. Guilty or not guilty? Imaginary superiority. The Byronic background. In and out of character. Tatyana Larina. The two Tatyanas and two Eugenes. The two rejection scenes. The earlier Tatyana -- 4. Olga, Lensky and the duel. The younger sister. Vladimir Lensky. The duel. Why did he do it? -- 5. It is in verse, but is it a novel? 'The careless fruit of my amusements'. An educated pen. In search of the serious content. Privacy of conscience and moral awareness. History and fate. The possibility and closeness of happiness. Dealing with death. Knowledge of human nature. Eugene Onegin as a landmark.
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich,1799-1837., Evgeniĭ Onegin.