Dinner at Delmonico's -- An ideal childhood (1856-1878) -- Dreaming of motors (1878-1882) -- Learning by doing (1882-1886) -- Mastering alternating current (1886-1888) -- Selling the motor (1888-1889) -- Searching for a new ideal (1889-1891) -- A veritable magician (1891) -- Taking the show to Europe (1891-1892) -- Pushing alternating current in America (1892-1893) -- Wireless lighting and the oscillator (1893-1894) -- Efforts at promotion (1894-1895) -- Looking for alternatives (1895-1898) -- Stationary waves (1899-1900) -- Wardenclyffe (1900-1901) -- The dark tower (1901-1905) -- Visionary to the end (1905-1943)
"This is a biography of one of the major 20th-century scientists, Nikola Tesla. It is interdisciplinary, containing accounts of U.S. manufacturing in the early 1900s and other contemporary cultural materials"--