Includes bibliographical references (pages [185]-242) and index
Paleoindians without mammoths and archaeologists without projectile points? : the archaeology of the first inhabitants of the Americas / Luis Alberto Borrero -- Points in time : establishing a precise hemispheric chronology for paleoindian migrations / Stuart J. Fiedel -- Grassland archaeology in the Americas : from the U.S. southern plains to the Argentinean pampas / Eileen Johnson ... [and others] -- The clovis colonization of Central America / Anthony J. Ranere -- Early humanized landscapes in northern South America / Cristóbal Gnecco and Javier Aceituno -- Fluted and fishtail points from southern coastal Chile : new evidence suggesting clovis- and folsom-related occupations in southernmost South America / Lawrence J. Jackson -- New radiocarbon dates for the clovis component of the Anzick Site, Park County, Montana / Juliet E. Morrow and Stuart J. Fiedel -- The rancholabrean termination : sudden extinction in the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, 11,000 BC / C. Vance Haynes, Jr -- Paleoindian archaeology in Florida and Panama : two circumgulf regions exhibiting waisted lanceolate projectile points / Michael K. Faught