Donna E. Alvermann, Norman J. Unrau, Robert B. Ruddell, Editors
Sixth edition
xxvi, 1,317 pages ;
23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
Literacy's new horizons : an emerging agenda for tomorrow's research and practice. Adolescent literacy instruction and the discourse of "Every teacher a teacher of reading" / Donna E. Alvermann and Elizabeth Birr Moje -- Literacy research in the 21st century : from paradigms to pragmatism and practicality / Deborah R. Dillon, David G. O'Brien, and Elizabeth E. Heilman -- National reports in literacy : building a scientific base for practice and policy / P. David Pearson and Elfrieda H. Hiebert -- New literacies : a dual-level theory of the changing nature of literacy, instruction, and assessment / Donald J. Leu, Charles K. Kinzer, Julie Coiro, Jill Castek, and Laurie A. Henry -- The social practice of multimodal reading : a new literacy studies-multimodal perspective on reading / Jennifer Rowsell, Gunther Kress, Kate Pahl, and Brian Street -- Imagined readers and hospitable texts : global youths connect online / Glynda Hull, Amy Stornaiuolo, and Laura Sterponi -- 21st-century skills : cultural, linguistic, and motivational perspectives / Robert Rueda
Models of reading and writing processes. Toward a theory of automatic information processing in reading, revisited / S. Jay Samuels -- Toward an interactive model of reading / David E. Rumelhart -- A theory of reading : from eye fixations to comprehension / Marcel Adam Just and Patricia A. Carpenter -- Modeling the connections between word recognition and reading / Marilyn Jager Adams -- Revisiting the construction-integration model of text comprehension and its implications for instruction / Walter Kintsch -- Understanding the relative contributions of lower-level word processes, higher-level processes, and working memory to reading comprehension performance in proficient adult readers / Brenda Hannon -- A dual coding theoretical model of reading / Mark Sadoski and Allan Paivio -- The transactional theory of reading and writing / Louise M. Rosenblatt -- Reading-writing connections : discourse-oriented research / Giovanni Parodi -- Enacting rhetorical literacies : the expository reading and writing curriculum in theory and practice / Mira-Lisa Katz, Nancy Brynelson, and John R. Edlund -- Reading as a motivated meaning-construction process : the reader, the text, and the teacher / Robert B. Ruddell and Norman J. Unrau
Perspectives on literacy research and its application. A historical perspective on reading research and practice, redux / Patricia A. Alexander and Emily Fox -- Literacies and their investigation through theories and models / Norman J. Unrau and Donna E. Alvermann -- Synergy in literacy research methodology / Marla H. Mallette, Nell K. Duke, Stephanie L. Strachan, Chad H. Waldron, and Lynne M. Watanabe
Processes of reading and literacy. Reading as situated language : a sociocognitive perspective / James Paul Gee -- The place of dialogue in children's construction of meaning / M.A.K. Halliday -- Social talk and imaginative play : curricular basics for young children's language and literacy / Anne Haas Dyson and Celia Genishi -- Exploring Vygotskian perspectives in education : the cognitive value of peer interaction / Ellice A. Forman and Courtney B. Cazden -- It's a book! It's a bookstore! Theories of reading in the worlds of childhood and adolescence / Shirley Brice Heath -- Emergent biliteracy in young Mexican immigrant children / Iliana Reyes and Patricia Azuara -- Revisiting Is October Brown Chinese? A cultural modeling activity system for underachieving students / Carol D. Lee -- Sustained acceleration of achievement in reading comprehension : the New Zealand experience / Mei Kuin Lai, Stuart McNaughton, Meaola Amituanai-Toloa, Rolf Turner, and Selena Hsiao -- Phases of word learning : implications for instruction with delayed and disabled readers / Linnea C. Ehri and Sandra McCormick -- Developing early literacy skills : things we know we know and things we know we don't know / Christopher J. Lonigan and Timothy Shanahan -- Advancing early literacy learning for all children : implications of the NELP report for dual-language learners / Kris D. Gutiérrez, Marlene Zepeda, and Dina C. Castro -- Fluency : developmental and remedial practices, revisited / Melanie R. Kuhn and Steven A. Stahl -- A road map for understanding reading disabilities and other reading problems, redux / Louise Spear-Swerling -- Language pathways into the community of minds / Katherine Nelson -- Vocabulary processes / William E. Nagy and Judith A. Scott -- Role of the reader's schema in comprehension, learning, and memory / Richard C. Anderson -- Schema theory revisited / Mary B. McVee, KaiLonnie Dunsmore, and James R. Gavelek -- To err is human : learning about language processes by analyzing miscues / Yetta M. Goodman and Kenneth S. Goodman -- Cognitive flexibility theory : advanced knowledge acquisition in ill-structured domains / Rand J. Spiro, Richard L. Coulson, Paul J. Feltovich, and Daniel K. Anderson -- Educational neuroscience for reading researchers / George G. Hruby and Usha Goswami -- Effects of motivational and cognitive variables on reading comprehension / Ana Taboada, Stephen M. Tonks, Allan Wigfield, and John T. Guthrie -- Toward a more anatomically complete model of literacy instruction : a focus on African American male adolescents and texts / Alfred W. Tatum -- Marie M. Clay's theoretical perspective : a literacy processing theory / Mary Anne Doyle -- Instructing comprehension-fostering activities in interactive learning situations / Ann L. Brown, Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar, and Bonnie B. Armbruster