Why read papers at all? -- Searching the literature -- Getting your bearings: what is this paper about? -- Assessing methodological quality -- Statistics for the non-statistician -- Papers that report trials of drugs and other simple interventions -- Papers that report trials of complex interventions -- Papers that report diagnostic or screening tests -- Papers that summarise other papers (systematic reviews and meta-analyses) -- Papers that tell you what to do (guidelines) -- Papers that tell you what things cost (economic analyses) -- Papers that go beyond numbers (qualitative research) -- Papers that report questionnaire research -- Papers that report quality improvement case studies -- Getting evidence into practice -- Applying evidence with patients -- Criticisms of evidence-based medicine
"In a clear and engaging style, How to Read a Paper demystifies evidence-based medicine and explains how to critically appraise published research and also put the findings into practice. An ideal introduction to evidence-based medicine, How to Read a Paper explains what to look for in different types of papers and how best to evaluate the literature and then implement the findings in an evidence-based, patient-centred way. Helpful checklist summaries of the key points in each chapter provide a useful framework for applying the principles of evidence-based medicine in everyday practice. This fifth edition has been fully updated with new examples and references to reflect recent developments and current practice. It also includes two new chapters on applying evidence-based medicine with patients and on the common criticisms of evidence-based medicine and responses. How to Read a Paper is a standard text for medical and nursing schools as well as a friendly guide for everyone wanting to teach or learn the basics of evidence-based medicine."--Publisher's website