multidisciplinary perspectives on current research and future applications /
edited by Phillip L. Ackerman
1st ed
Washington, DC :
American Psychological Association,
xviii, 333 p. :
ill. ;
27 cm
APA science volumes
Includes bibliographical references and index
100 years without resting / Phillip L. Ackerman -- Differentiation of sleepiness and mental fatigue effects / Thomas J. Balkin and Nancy J. Wesensten -- Sleep loss and the ability to self-monitor cognitive performance / Joseph V. Barnaski -- Fatigue in sustained attention : generalizing mechanism for time awake to time on task / Glenn Guzelmann ... [et al.] -- Consideration of the influence of mental fatigue on controlled and automatic cognitive processes and related neuromodulatory effects / Monicque M. Lorist and Léon G. Faber -- Investigating the temporal dynamics and underlying mechanisms of cognitive fatigue / Hans P.A. Van Dongen, Gregory Belenky, and James M. Krueger -- The urge to stop : the cognitive and biological nature of acute mental fatigue / Dimitri van der Linden -- A motivational control theory of cognitive fatigue / G. Robert J. Hockey -- Determinants and consequences of subjective cognitive fatigue / Ruth Kanfer -- Personality and individual differences in cognitive fatigue / Gerald Matthews -- Optimizing alertness with medications : the case for hyponotics / John A. Caldwell -- Recovery from fatigue : the role of psychological detachment / Sabine Sonnentag -- Fatigue impact on teams versus individuals during complex tasks / Scott R. Chaiken ... [et al.] -- From the brain to the workplace : studies of cognitive fatigue in the laboratory and aboard ship / Andy Smith