A Short History of Birth Defect Epidemiology -- Genetic and Non-genetic Factors in the Origin of Congenital Malformations -- Ascertainment of Children with Congenital Malformations -- Statistical Considerations -- Epidemiological Methods -- Neural Tube Defects -- Microcephaly -- Hydrocephaly -- Agenesis of Corpus Callosum and Holoprosencephaly -- Severe Eye Malformations -- Severe Ear Malformations -- Cardiovascular Defects -- Orofacial Clefts -- Atresia or Stenosis of the Alimentary Tract -- Pyloric Stenosis -- Malrotation of the Gut -- Megacolon -- Hypospadias -- Epispadias, Cloacal and Bladder Exstrophy -- Severe Renal Malformations -- Posterior Urethral Valve -- Pes Equinovarus -- Other Foot Deformities than Pes Equinovarus -- Polydactyly and Syndactyly -- Limb Reduction Defects -- Craniostenosis -- Diaphragmatic Hernia -- Abdominal Wall Defects -- Children with multiple malformations -- Syndromes -- Down Syndrome -- Explanation and Prevention of Birth Defects -- Eight Commandments: Rules for the Interpretation of Birth Defect Epidemiological Studies
Authored by Bengt Kallen, professor emeritus in embryology at Lund University in Sweden. The subject of this book is to describe the occurrence of congenital malformations among children born and what risk factors exist. Population data are presented for a number of malformations, ascertained with the use of data from the Swedish national health registers for the period 1998-2010 corresponding to some 1.3 million births, together with prospectively collected information on a group of exposures of possible interest