Effects of a traditional taiji/qigong curriculum on older adults' immune response to influenza vaccine / Yang, Y. ... [et al.] -- Tai chi exercise and proprioception behavior in old people / Li; J.X., Xu, D.Q., Hong, Y. -- Neural mechanisms underlying balance control in tai chi / Gatts, S. -- Sensorimotor control of balance : a tai chi solution for balance disorders in older subjects / Tsang, W.W.N., Hui-Chan, C.W.Y -- Tai chi and balance control / Wong, A.M.K., Lan, C. -- Tai chi and falls prevention in older people / Harmer, P.A., Li, F. --
Tai chi chuan in the management of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease / Klein, P.J. -- Tai chi training for patients with coronary heart disease / Lan, C. ... [et al.] -- Tai chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure / Yeh, G.Y., Wayne, P.M., Phillips, R.S. -- Tai chi chuan for breast cancer survivors / Mustian, K.M., Palesh, O.G., Flecksteiner, S.A. -- Tai chi improves pain and functional status in adults with rheumatoid arthritis : results of a pilot single-blinded randomized controlled trial / Wang, C. -- Effects of tai chi exercise on patients with type 2 diabetes / Wang, J.H
Tai chi exercise and the improvement of mental and physical health among college students / Wang, Y.T. -- Effect of tai chi on depressive symptoms amongst Chinese older patients with major depression : the role of social support / Chou, K.-L. -- Tai chi exercise and the improvement of health and well-being in older adults / Yau, M.K.-s. -- Teaching tai chi with mindfulness-based stress reduction to middle school children in the inner-city : a review of the literature and approaches / Wall, R.B. --
Temporal characteristics of foot movement in tai chi exercise / Hong, Y., Mao, D.W., Lia, J.X. -- The exercise intensity of tai chi chuan / Lan, C., Chen, S.-Y., Lai, J.-S. -- Tai chi exercise and muscle strength and endurance in older people / Xu, D.Q., Hong, Y., Li, J.X. -- Muscle action pattern and knee extensor strength of older tai chi exercisers / Wu, G. -- The effectiveness of tai chi exercise in improving aerobic capacity : an updated meta-analysis / Taylor-Piliae, R.E. -- Tai chi exercise in improving cardiorespiratory capacity / Thornton, E.W. --