Brill's Companion to insurgency and terrorism in the Ancient Mediterranean /
edited by Timothy Howe and Lee L. Brice
xvi, 370 pages :
illustrations, maps ;
25 cm
Brill's companions in classical studies: warfare in the ancient Mediterranean world ;
volume 1
Includes bibliographical references and index
Insurgency and terrorism in the ancient world, grounding the discussion / Lee L. Brice -- Insurgency and terror in Mesopotamia / Seth Richardson -- Insurgency and counterinsurgency in the Assyrian Empire during the late eighth century BCE / Sarah C. Melville -- Fourth century revolts against Persia : the test case of Sidon (348-345 BCE) / Josef Wiesehöfer -- Spartan state terror : violence, humiliation, and the reinforcement of social boundries in classical Sparta / Ellen G. Millender -- Alexander and "Afghan insurgency" : a reassessment / Timothy Howe -- Insurgency in Ptolemaic Egypt / Paul Johstono -- Insurgency or state terrorism? the Hispanic wars in the second century BCE / Francisco Marco Simón -- Roman counterinsurgency policy and practice in Judaea / Frank Russell -- From Batavian revolt to Rhenish insurgency / Brian Turner -- Gallic insurgencies? annihilating the Bagaudae / J. Grant Couper -- Epilogue : looking ahead / Jonathan P. Roth
Insurgency and terrorism in the Ancient Mediterranean