edited by Karen Korabik, Donna S. Lero and Denise L. Whitehead
1st ed
London :
xxii, 430 p. :
ill. ;
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Work-family integration : introduction and overview / Denise L. Whitehead, Karen Korabik and Donna S. Lero -- Historical trends in work-family : the evolution of earning and caring / Denise L. Whitehead -- A conceptual model of the work-family interface / Patricia Voydanoff -- Reflections and future directions on measurement in work-family research / Dawn S. Carlson and Joseph G. Grzywacz -- On multiple roles : past, present, and future / Rosalind Chait Barnett -- Toxic job ecologies, time convoys, and work-family conflict : can families (re)gain control and life course "fit"? / Phyllis Moen and Noelle Chesley -- Too much to do, and not enough time : an examination of role overload / Linda Duxbury, Sean Lyons and Christopher Higgins -- Positive spillover between personal and professional life : definitions, antecedents, consequences, and strategies / Steven Poelmans, Olena Stepanova and Aline Masuda -- Work-related outcomes of the work-family interface : why organizations should care / Jay M. Dorio, Rebecca H. Bryant and Tammy D. Allen -- The emotional dimensions of family time and their implications for work-family balance / Shira Offer and Barbara Schneider -- Health and well-being outcomes of the work-family interface / Jane Mullen, Elizabeth Kelley and E. Kevin Kelloway -- Integrating gender-related issues into research on work and family / Karen Korabik, Allyson McElwain and Dara B. Chappell -- Viewing 21st century motherhood through a work-family lens / Sarah Damaske and Kathleen Gerson -- Work-life issues for fathers / Kerry Daly, Lynda Ashbourne and Linda Hawkins -- Coping with work-family conflict : integrating individual and organizational perspectives / Anat Drach-Zahavy and Anit Somech -- Social support and work-family conflict / Roya Ayman and Amy Antani -- Face-time matters : a cross level model of how work-life flexibility influences work performance of individuals and groups / Ellen Ernst Kossek and Linn Van Dyne -- Work-family culture : current research and future directions / Jeanine K. Andreassi and Cynthia A. Thompson -- Cross-cultural approaches to work-family conflict / Zeynep Aycan -- Assumptions, research gaps and emerging issues : implications for research policy and practice / Donna S. Lero and Suzan Lewis