studies of normal aging and brain damage : honoring Martin L. Albert /
edited by Lisa Tabor Connor, Loraine K. Obler
xv, 401 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
Language in Healthy Adults -- Neural change, cognitive reserve and behavioral compensation in rapid encoding and memory for spoken language in adult aging / A. Wingfield ... [et al.] -- Factors underlying comprehension of accented English / M. Goral, L.K. Obler, and E. Galletta -- Language in Brain Damage : Dementia -- Word and pseudoword repetition in Alzheimer's disease / M.-C. Goldblum ... [et al.] -- Sentence comprehension in Alzheimer's disease / D. Caplan and G. Waters -- Writing impairments in Alzheimer's disease / G. Glosser and V.W. Henderson -- Language in Brain Damage : Aphasia -- Neurobehavioral models for aphasia rehabilitation / N. Helm-Estabrooks -- Self-determination and self-advocacy : New Concepts for aphasic individuals and their partners / A.L. Holland -- Neuroimaging in severe aphasia and outcome following treatment with nonverbal, computer-assisted visual communication program, C-ViC / M.A. Naeser ... [et al.] -- Combinatorial operations in sentence comprehension / E. Zurif and M. Piñango -- Primary progressive aphasia : Dissociation of the loss of syntax and semantics in a biologically determined brain degeneration / A. Kertesz -- Pharmacotherapy of aphasia / Y. Tanaka and D.L. Bachman -- Understanding Cognitive Functioning through Brain Damage -- The neural basis of working memory : Evidence from neuropsychological, pharmacological and neuroimaging studies / M. D'Esposito -- Language functions in Parkinson's disease : Evidence for a neurochemistry of language / P. McNamara and R. Durso -- Asymmetries of brain function in alcoholism : Relationship to aging / M. Oscar-Berman and H.E. Schendan -- Cognitive perspectives on humor comprehension after brain injury / H. Brownell and A. Stringfellow -- Anosognosia / K.M. Heilman, A.M. Barrett, and J.C. Adair -- Doctor François : A case study of deep dyslexia / A.R. Lecours, M.-J. Tainturier, and S. Lupien -- Dissociating speed from automaticity in the Stroop task : Evidence from a case of progressive posterior cortical atrophy / K.C. Lindfield, H. Goodglass, and A. Wingfield -- The role of memory in estimating time : A neuropsychological analysis / M. Kinsbourne -- Neurobehavioral Assessment -- Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease : Assessment and management / S. McPherson and J. Cummings -- Cross-cultural neuropsychology of aging and dementia : An update / N. Wolfe -- Validation of the neurobehavioral evaluation system (NES) in patients with focal brain damage / R. Diamond ... [et al.] -- Neurology of aging / J.E. Knoefel and J.C. Adair