technology and regulation : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the Fourth Chemical Congress of North America (202nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society) New York, New York, August 25-30, 1991 /
John Bourke, editor [and others]
xii, 273 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
ACS symposium series,
0097-6156 ;
Includes bibliographical references and index
Pesticide container regulations as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's strategy / Nancy Fitz -- State pesticide disposal regulations and programs / Barbara B. Lounsbury -- Managing pesticide wastes : perspective for developing countries / Janice King Jensen -- Container minimization and reuse / Scott W. Allison -- Pesticide container collection and recycling in Minnesota / R.J. Hansen and L.P. Palmer -- Laboratory evaluation of products of incomplete combustion formed from burning of agricultural product bags / B. Adebona, A. Shafagati, E.J. Martin, and R.C. Chawla -- Characterization of emissions formed from open burning of pesticide bags / D.A. Oberacker, P.C. Lin, G.M. Shaul, D.T. Ferguson, V.S. Engleman, T.W. Jackson, J.S. Chapman, J.D. Evans, R.J. Martrano, and Linda L. Evey -- Minimization and reuse of pesticide rinsates / Ronald T. Noyes -- Treatment of pesticide wastes : regulatory and operational requirements for successful treatment systems / Steven E. Dwinell -- Pesticide application systems for reduction of rinsate and nontarget contamination / Durham K. Giles -- Current technologies for pesticide waste disposal / James N. Seiber -- Biotechnology in bioremediation of pesticide-contaminated sites / Jeffrey S. Karns -- Chemical degradation of pesticide wastes / Cathleen J. Hapeman-Somich -- Pesticide wastewater cleanup using demulsification, sorption, and filtration followed by chemical and biological degradation / Donald E. Mullins, Roderick W. Young, Glen H. Hetzel, and Duane F. Berry -- Evaluation of organophosphorus insecticide hydrolysis by conventional means and reactive ion exchange / Kathryn C. Dowling and Ann T. Lemley -- Application equipment technology to protect the environment / Robert E. Wolf and Loren E. Bode -- Photochemical and microbial degradation technologies to remove toxic chemicals / Fumio Matsumura and Arata Katayama -- Biodegradability of pesticides sorbed to activated carbon / J.H. Massey, T.L. Lavy, and M.A. Fitzgerald -- Biological methods for the disposal of coumaphos waste / D.R. Shelton, Jeffrey S. Karns, and Cathleen J. Hapeman-Somich -- Site assessment and remediation for retail agrochemical dealers / Christopher A. Myrick -- Agricultural chemical site remediation and regulations / Greg Buzicky, Paul Liemandt, Sheila Grow, and David Read -- Experimental design for testing landfarming of pesticide-contaminated soil excavated from agrochemical facilities / Allan S. Felsot, J. Kent Mitchell, T.J. Bicki, and J.F. Frank
Pesticide waste management.
Pesticide waste-- Management, Congresses
Pesticides-- Environmental aspects, Congresses
Pesticides-- Law and legislation-- United States, Congresses
Pesticides - Droit - États-Unis
Pesticides - Emballages
Pesticides - Résidus - Aspect de l'environnement
Bourke, John B.,1934-
American Chemical Society., Division of Agrochemicals
American Chemical Society., Meeting(202nd :1991 :, New York, N.Y.)
Chemical Congress of North America(4th :1991 :, New York, N.Y.)