Cover; Title Page; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; List of Abbreviations; Important Terminology and Concepts; Chapter 1 Introduction to Tissue Engineering; 1.1 Introduction to Tissue Engineering; 1.2 Chronic Shortage of Donor Organs; 1.3 The Tissue Engineering Paradigm; 1.4 Definition of Tissue Engineering; 1.5 Process of Bioengineering 3D Artificial Tissue; 1.6 Design Principles for Tissue Engineering; 1.7 Building Blocks of Tissue Engineering; 1.8 Scientific and Technological Challenges; 1.9 Functional Assessment of Artificial Tissue; 1.10 Seminal Papers in Tissue Engineering
1.11 Applications of 3D Artificial Tissue; 1.12 Two-Dimensional Versus Three-Dimensional Culture; 1.13 Integration of Core Technologies; 1.14 Growth of Tissue Engineering; 1.15 Disciplines in Tissue Engineering; 1.16 Tissue Engineering and Related Fields; Summary; Practice Questions; References; Chapter 2 Cells for Tissue Engineering; 2.1 Cells and Tissue Engineering; 2.2 Cell Structure and Function; 2.3 The Dynamic Extracellular Matrix; 2.4 Cell Signaling; 2.5 Cellular Junctions; 2.6 Mammalian Tissue and Artificial Tissue; 2.7 Cell Sourcing; 2.8 The Cell Transplantation Process
2.9 Cells for Cell Transplantation; 2.10 Mode of Action of Cells During Cell Transplantation; 2.11 Cell Transplantation and Tissue Engineering; 2.12 The Cell Culture Process; 2.13 Applications of Monolayer 2D Cell Culture; 2.14 Cell Culture Versus Tissue Engineering; 2.15 Introduction to Stem Cell Engineering; 2.16 Human Embryonic Stem Cells; 2.17 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells; 2.18 Adult Stem Cells; Summary; Practice Questions; References; Chapter 3 Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering; 3.1 Definition of Biomaterials; 3.2 Scheme for Biomaterial Development
3.3 Historical Perspective on Biomaterials; 3.4 Tensile Properties; 3.5 Modulation of Tensile Properties; 3.6 Material Degradation; 3.7 Biocompatibility; 3.8 Biomimetic Biomaterial; 3.9 Classification of Biomaterials; 3.10 Biomaterial Platforms; 3.11 Smart Materials; 3.12 The Dynamic Extracellular Matrix; 3.13 Idealized Biomaterial; Summary; Practice Questions; References; Chapter 4 Tissue Fabrication Technology; 4.1 Introduction to Tissue Fabrication Technologies; 4.2 Self-Organization Technology; 4.3 Cell Sheet Engineering; 4.4 Scaffold-Based Tissue Fabrication; 4.5 Cell and Organ Printing
4.6 Solid Freeform Fabrication; 4.7 Soft Lithography and Microfluidics; 4.8 Cell Patterning; 4.9 Idealized System to Support Tissue Fabrication; Summary; Practice Questions; References; Chapter 5 Vascularization of Artificial Tissue; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Seminal Publications in Angiogenesis Research; 5.3 Vascularization Defined; 5.4 Molecular Mechanism of Vasculogenesis; 5.5 Molecular Mechanism of Angiogenesis; 5.6 Molecular Mechanism of Arteriogenesis; 5.7 Therapeutic Angiogenesis; 5.8 Tissue Engineering and Vascularization
"Covering a progressive medical field, Tissue Engineering describes the innovative process of regenerating human cells to restore or establish normal function in defective organs. As pioneering individuals look ahead to the possibility of generating entire organ systems, students may turn to this textbook for a comprehensive understanding and preparation for the future of regenerative medicine. This book explains chemical stimulations, the bioengineering of specific organs, and treatment plans for chronic diseases, like diabetes. It is a must-read for tissue engineering students and practitioners"--Provided by publisher