Beam propagation method for design of optical waveguide devices /
Ginés G. Lifante Pedrola
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index
Electromagnetic Theory of Light -- The Beam-Propagation Method -- Vectorial and Three-Dimensional Beam Propagation Techniques -- Special Topics on BPM -- BPM Analysis of Integrated Photonic Devices -- Appendix A Finite Difference Approximations of Derivatives -- Appendix B Tridiagonal System -- Appendix C Correlation and Relative Power between Optical Fields -- Appendix D Poynting Vector Associated to an Electromagnetic Wave Using the SVE Fields -- Appendix E Finite Difference FV-BPM Based on the Electric Field Using the Scheme Parameter Control -- Appendix F Linear Electro-Optic Effect -- Appendix G Electro-Optic Effect in GaAs Crystal -- Appendix H Electro-Optic Effect in LiNbO Crystal -- Appendix I Padé Polynomials for Wide-Band TD-BPM -- Appendix J Obtaining the Dispersion Relation for a Monomode Waveguide Using FDTD -- Appendix K Electric Field Distribution in Coplanar Electrodes -- Appendix L Three-Dimensional Anisotropic BPM Based on the Electric Field Formulation -- Appendix M Rate Equations in a Four-Level Atomic System -- Appendix N Overlap Integrals Method
The basic of the BPM technique in the frequency domain relies on treating the slowly varying envelope of the monochromatic electromagnetic field under paraxial propagation, thus allowing efficient numerical computation in terms of speed and allocated memory. In addition, the BPM based on finite differences is an easy way to implement robust and efficient computer codes. This book presents several approaches for treating the light: wide-angle, scalar approach, semivectorial treatment, and full vectorial treatment of the electromagnetic fields. Also, special topics in BPM cover the simulation of light propagation in anisotropic media, non-linear materials, electro-optic materials, and media with gain/losses, and describe how BPM can deal with strong index discontinuities or waveguide gratings, by introducing the bidirectional-BPM. BPM in the time domain is also described, and the book includes the powerful technique of finite difference time domain method, which fills the gap when the standard BPM is no longer applicable. Once the description of these numerical techniques have been detailed, the last chapter includes examples of passive, active and functional integrated photonic devices, such as waveguide reflectors, demultiplexers, polarization converters, electro-optic modulators, lasers or frequency converters. The book will help readers to understand several BPM approaches, to build their own codes, or to properly use the existing commercial software based on these numerical techniques