Preface and acknowledgements -- Map of Europe -- Introduction: a theoretical framework -- Sources of the European heritage -- The European inter-civilizational constellation -- The Greco-Roman and Judaic legacies -- Christianity in the making of Europe -- The Byzantine legacy and Russia -- The Islamic world and Islam in Europe -- The emergence of modernity -- The Renaissance and the rise of the West revisited -- Unity and division in early modern European history : the emergence of a westernized Europe -- The enlightenment and European modernity : the rise of the idea of Europe -- The rise of the nation-state and the allure of empire : between nationalism and cosmopolitanism -- The historical regions of Europe : civilizational backgrounds and multiple routes to modernity -- Europe in the short twentieth century : conflicting projects of modernity -- The present and its discontents -- Europe since 1989 : nationalism, cosmopolitanism and globalization -- Age of austerity : contradictions of capitalism and democracy -- The European heritage as a conflict of interpretations -- Conclusion: Europe : a defence -- Bibliography -- Index