"Instructions for practising the view of other emptiness" :
a text of oral instructions by Jamgon Kongtrul /
[translated] by Tony Duff.
1st ed.
Kathmandu :
Padma Karpo Translation Committee,
xxvii, 120 p., [1] p. of plate :
col. ill. ;
22 cm.
Includes index.
English version of Tibetan text Gźan stoṅ dbu ma chen poʼi lta khrid rdo rje zla ba dri ma med paʼi ʼod zer źes bya ba bźugs so; includes root text.
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office
Gźan stoṅ dbu ma chen poʼi lta khrid rdo rje zla ba dri ma med paʼi ʼod zer źes bya ba bźugs so.