"For use with Dungeons & Dragons products: Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, Forgotten Realms campaign setting"--P. [4] of cover.
You've survived countless death traps, slain hordes of monsters, and overthrown your fair share of petty warlords and would-be tyrants. Ever wonder what it would be like to hold sway as an influential member of the royal court, a mighty general, a powerful religious figure, or a successful merchant prince? The Power of Faerûn campaign supplement shows players and Dungeon Masters how to play high-level characters and run high-level campaigns in the Realms. It presents worthy challenges and opportunities for heroes who have had their fill of crawling through caverns and plundering forsaken tombs.
Dungeons & dragons campaign accessory :
Dungeons & dragons campaign supplement :
Forgotten realms :
forgotten realms : power of Faerûn
forgotten realms : power of Faerûn
power of Faerûn
Dungeons and Dragons (Game), Handbooks, manuals, etc.