Proceedings of the 19th International Meshing Roundtable
edited by Suzanne Shontz.
Berlin, Heidelberg :
Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
Session 1A, Surface Meshing -- Hexagon-Based All-Quadrilateral Mesh Generation with Guaranteed Angle Bounds -- Q-TRAN: A New Approach to Transform Triangular Meshes into Quadrilateral Meshes Locally -- Mesh Construction with Prescribed Properties Near Boundary -- A Transfinite Meshing Approach for Body-In-White Analyses -- Session 2A, Optimization -- Introducing the Target-Matrix Paradigm for Mesh Optimization via Node-Movement -- An Analytical Framework for Quadrilateral Surface Mesh Improvement with an Underlying Triangulated Surface Definition -- Efficient Solution of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations via Effective Combination of Mesh Quality Metrics, Preconditioners, and Sparse Linear Solvers -- Virtual Control Volumes for Two-Dimensional Unstructured Elliptic Smoothing -- Session 2B, Surface Reconstruction and Repair -- Reconstructing High-Order Surfaces for Meshing -- Simple Method for Constructing NURBS Surfaces from Unorganized Points -- Sealing Faceted Surfaces to Achieve Watertight CAD Models -- A Metric for Automatic Hole Characterization -- Session 3A, Hex Meshing -- Receding Front Method: A New Approach Applied to Generate Hexahedral Meshes of Outer Domains -- EBMesh: An Embedded Boundary Meshing Tool -- Sharp Feature Preservation in Octree-Based Hexahedral Mesh Generation for CAD Assembly Models -- Pen-Based User Interface for Geometric Decomposition for Hexahedral Mesh Generation -- Session 6A, Adaptive -- Particle Systems for Adaptive, Isotropic Meshing of CAD Models -- A Study on Using Hierarchical Basis Error Estimates in Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for the Finite Element Method -- Bisection-Based Triangulations of Nested Hypercubic Meshes -- Optimizing Voronoi Diagrams for Polygonal Finite Element Computations -- Session 6B, Applications -- Creating Geometry and Mesh Models for Nuclear Reactor Core Geometries Using a Lattice Hierarchy-Based Approach -- Multi-tissue Mesh Generation for Brain Images -- A Toolkit for Parallel Overset Grid Assembly Targeting Large-Scale Moving Body Aerodynamic Simulations -- A Dimension-Independent Data Structure for Simplicial Complexes.
This volume contains the articles presented at the 19th International Meshing Roundtable (IMR) organized, in part, by Sandia National Laboratories and held October 3-6, 2010 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA. The first IMR was held in 1992, and the conference has been held annually since. Each year the IMR brings together researchers, developers, and application experts, from a variety of disciplines, to present and discuss ideas on mesh generation and related topics. The topics covered by the IMR have applications in numerical analysis, computational geometry, computer graphics, as well as other areas, and the presentations describe novel work ranging from theory to application.