Exploring Trafficking GTPase Function by mRNA Expression Profiling: Use of the SymAtlas Web‐Application and the Membrome Datasets / Cemal Gurkan, Hilmar Lapp, John B. Hogenesch, William E. Balch -- Use of Search Algorithms to Define Specificity in Rab GTPase Domain Function / Maria Nussbaum, Ruth N. Collins -- Application of Phylogenetic Algorithms to Assess Rab Functional Relationships / Ruth N. Collins -- Application of Protein Semisynthesis for the Construction of Functionalized Posttranslationally Modified Rab GTPases / Roger S. Goody, Thomas Durek, Herbert Waldmann, Lucas Brunsveld, Kirill Alexandrov -- Assay and Functional Properties of PrBP(PDEδ), a Prenyl‐Binding Protein Interacting with Multiple Partners / Houbin Zhang, Suzanne Hosier, Jennifer M. Terew, Kai Zhang, Rick H. Cote, Wolfgang Baehr -- Functional Assays for the Investigation of the Role of Rab GTPase Effectors in Dense Core Granule Release / Séverine Cheviet, Thierry Coppola, Romano Regazzi -- Analysis of Rab1 Recruitment to Vacuoles Containing Legionella pneumophila / Jonathan C. Kagan, Takahiro Murata, Craig R. Roy -- Reconstitution of Rab4‐Dependent Vesicle Formation In Vitro / Adriana Pagano, Martin Spiess -- Assay of Rab4‐Dependent Trafficking on Microtubules / John W. Murray, Allan W. Wolkoff -- CD2AP, Rabip4, and Rabip4': Analysis of Interaction with Rab4a and Regulation of Endosomes Morphology / Pascale Monzo, Muriel Mari, Vincent Kaddai, Teresa Gonzalez, Yannick Le Marchand‐Brustel, Mireille Cormont -- Visualization of Rab5 Activity in Living Cells Using FRET Microscopy / Emilia Galperin, Alexander Sorkin -- Selection and Application of Recombinant Antibodies as Sensors of Rab Protein Conformation / Clément Nizak, Sandrine Moutel, Bruno Goud, Franck Perez -- Analysis of Rab Protein Function in Neurotransmitter Receptor Trafficking at Hippocampal Synapses / Nashaat Z. Gerges, Tyler C. Brown, Susana S. Correia, José A. Esteban -- Use of Rab GTPases to Study Lipid Trafficking in Normal and Sphingolipid Storage Disease Fibroblasts / Amit Choudhury, David L. Marks, Richard E. Pagano -- Assay of Rab13 in Regulating Epithelial Tight Junction Assembly / Anne‐Marie Marzesco, Ahmed Zahraoui -- Tyrosine Phosphorylation of Rab Proteins / Jean H. Overmeyer, William A. Maltese -- Assay of Rab25 Function in Ovarian and Breast Cancers / Kwai Wa Cheng, Yiling Lu, Gordon B. Mills -- Functional Analysis of Rab27a Effector Granuphilin in Insulin Exocytosis / Tetsuro Izumi, Hiroshi Gomi, Seiji Torii -- Assays for Functional Properties of Rab34 in Macropinosome Formation / Peng Sun, Takeshi Endo -- Fluorescent Microscopy‐Based Assays to Study the Role of Rab22a in Clathrin‐Independent Endocytosis / Roberto Weigert, Julie G. Donaldson -- Purification and Properties of Rab3 GEP (DENN/MADD) / Toshiaki Sakisaka, Yoshimi Takai -- Biochemical Characterization of Alsin, a Rab5 and Rac1 Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor / Justin D. Topp, Darren S. Carney, Bruce F. Horazdovsky -- Purification and Analysis of RIN Family‐Novel Rab5 GEFs / Kota Saito, Hiroaki Kajiho, Yasuhiro Araki, Hiroshi Kurosu, Kenji Kontani, Hiroshi Nishina, Toshiaki Katada -- Purification and Functional Properties of a Rab8‐Specific GEF (Rabin3) in Action Remodeling and Polarized Transport / Katarina Hattula, Johan Peränen -- Assay and Functional Properties of SopE in the Recruitment of Rab5 on Salmonella‐Containing Phagosomes / Seetharaman Parashuraman, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay -- Purification and Functional Analyses of ALS2 and its Homologue / Shinji Hadano, Joh‐E Ikeda -- Polycistronic Expression and Purification of the ESCRT‐II Endosomal Trafficking Complex / Aitor Hierro, Jaewon Kim, James H. Hurley -- Analysis and Properties of the Yeast YIP1 Family of Ypt‐Interacting Proteins / Catherine Z. Chen, Ruth N. Collins -- Use of Hsp90 Inhibitors to Disrupt GDI‐Dependent Rab Recycling / Christine Y. Chen, Toshiaki Sakisaka, William E. Balch -- Purification and Properties of Yip3/PRA1 as a Rab GDI Displacement Factor / Ulf Sivars, Dikran Aivazian, Suzanne Pfeffer -- Purification and Analysis of TIP47 Function in Rab9‐Dependent Mannose 6‐Phosphate Receptor Trafficking / Alondra Schweizer Burguete, Ulf Sivars, Suzanne Pfeffer -- Capture of the Small GTPase Rab5 by GDI: Regulation by p38 MAP Kinase / Michela Felberbaum‐Corti, Valeria Cavalli, Jean Gruenberg -- Rab2 Purification and Interaction with Protein Kinase C ι/λ and Glyceraldehyde‐3‐Phosphate Dehydrogenase / Ellen J. Tisdale -- Purification and Functional Interactions of GRASP55 with Rab2 / Francis A. Barr -- Purification and Properties of Rabconnectin‐3 / Toshiaki Sakisaka, Yoshimi Takai -- Physical and Functional Interaction of Noc2/Rab3 in Exocytosis / Tadao Shibasaki, Susumu Seino -- Functional Analysis of Slac2‐a/Melanophilin as a Linker Protein between Rab27A and Myosin Va in Melanosome Transport / Taruho S. Kuroda, Takashi Itoh, Mitsunori Fukuda -- Identification and Biochemical Analysis of Slac2‐c/MyRIP as a Rab27A‐, Myosin Va/VIIa‐, and Actin‐Binding Protein / Taruho S. Kuroda, Mitsunori Fukuda -- Analysis of the Role of Rab27 Effector Slp4‐a/Granuphilin‐a in Dense‐Core Vesicle Exocytosis / Mitsunori Fukuda, Eiko Kanno -- Assay and Functional Interactions of Rim2 with Rab3 / Mitsunori Fukuda -- Assay of the Rab‐Binding Specificity of Rabphilin and Noc2: Target Molecules for Rab27 / Mitsunori Fukuda, Akitsugu Yamamoto -- Functional Properties of the Rab‐Binding Domain of Rab Coupling Protein / Andrew J. Lindsay, Nicolas Marie, Mary W. McCaffrey -- Purification and Functional Properties of Rab11‐FIP2 / Andrew J. Lindsay, Mary W. McCaffrey -- Purification and Functional Properties of Rab11‐FIP3 / Conor P. Horgan, Tomas H. Zurawski, Mary W. McCaffrey -- Class I FIPs, Rab11‐Binding Proteins That Regulate Endocytic Sorting and Recycling / Elizabeth Tarbutton, Andrew A. Peden, Jagath R. Junutula, Rytis Prekeris -- Expression and Properties of the Rab4, Rabaptin‐5α, AP‐1 Complex in Endosomal Recycling / Ioana Popa, Magda Deneka, Peter van der Sluijs -- Measurement of the Interaction of the p85α Subunit of Phosphatidylinositol 3‐Kinase with Rab5 / M. Dean Chamberlain, Deborah H. Anderson -- Assay and Stimulation of the Rab5 GTPase by the p85α Subunit of Phosphatidylinositol 3‐Kinase / Deborah H. Anderson, M. Dean Chamberlain -- Ubiquitin Regulation of the Rab5 Family GEF Vps9p / Brian A. Davies, Darren S. Carney, Bruce F. Horazdovsky -- Analysis of the Interaction between GGA1 GAT Domain and Rabaptin‐5 / Guangyu Zhu, Peng Zhai, Nancy Wakeham, Xiangyuan He, Xuejun C. Zhang -- Purification and Properties of Rab6 Interacting Proteins / Solange Monier, Bruno Goud -- Affinity Purification of Ypt6 Effectors and Identification of TMF/ARA160 as a Rab6 Interactor / Symeon Siniossoglou -- Assay and Properties of Rab6 Interaction with Dynein-Dynactin Complexes / Evelyn Fuchs, Benjamin Short, Francis A. Barr -- Assay and Functional Properties of Rabkinesin‐6/Rab6‐KIFL/MKlp2 in Cytokinesis / Rüdiger Neef, Ulrike Grüneberg, Francis A. Barr -- Interaction and Functional Analyses of Human VPS34/p150 Phosphatidylinositol 3‐Kinase Complex with Rab7 / Mary‐Pat Stein, Canhong Cao, Mathewos Tessema, Yan Feng, Elsa Romero, Angela Welford, Angela Wandinger‐Ness -- Functional Analyses and Interaction of the XAPC7 Proteasome Subunit with Rab7 / Sanchita Mukherjee, Jianbo Dong, Carrie Heincelman, Melanie Lenhart, Angela Welford, Angela Wandinger‐Ness -- Expression, Assay, and Functional Properties of RILP / Anna Maria Rosaria Colucci, Maria Rita Spinosa, Cecilia Bucci -- Assay and Functional Properties of Rab34 Interaction with RILP in Lysosome Morphogenesis / Tuanlao Wang, Wanjin Hong -- Rabring7: A Target Protein for Rab7 Small G Protein / Kouichi Mizuno, Ayuko Sakane, Takuya Sasaki -- Analysis of Potential Binding of the Recombinant Rab9 Effector p40 to Phosphoinositide‐Enriched Synthetic Liposomes / Diego Sbrissa, Ognian C. Ikonomov, Assia Shisheva -- Assessment of Rab11‐FIP2 Interacting Proteins In Vitro / Nicole A. Ducharme, Min Jin, Lynne A. Lapierre, James R. Goldenring -- Interactions of Myosin Vb with Rab11 Family Members and Cargoes Traversing the Plasma Membrane Recycling System / Lynne A. Lapierre, James R.
Goldenring -- Properties of Rab13 Interaction with Protein Kinase A / Ahmed Zahraoui -- Functional Properties of Rab15 Effector Protein in Endocytic Recycling / Lisa A. Elferink, David J. Strick -- Assays for Interaction between Rab7 and Oxysterol Binding Protein Related Protein 1L (ORP1L) / Marie Johansson, Vesa M. Olkkonen -- Characterization of Rab23, a Negative Regulator of Sonic Hedgehog Signaling / Timothy M. Evans, Fiona Simpson, Robert G. Parton, Carol Wicking -- Purification and Functional Analysis of a Rab27 Effector Munc13‐4 Using a Semiintact Platelet Dense‐Granule Secretion Assay / Ryutaro Shirakawa, Tomohito Higashi, Hirokazu Kondo, Akira Yoshioka, Toru Kita, Hisanori Horiuchi -- Analysis of hVps34/hVps15 Interactions with Rab5 In Vivo and In Vitro / James T. Murray, Jonathan M. Backer -- Purification and Functional Properties of Prenylated Rab Acceptor 2 / Pierre‐Yves Gougeon, Johnny K. Ngsee