Includes bibliographical references (pages 237-252) and index
Introduction -- The next generation of responsible investing / Tessa Hebb -- After the credit crisis-the future of sustainable investing / Cary Krosinsky, Nick Robins and Stephen Viederman -- Putting sustainable investing into practice: a governance framework for pension funds / Claire Woods and Roger Urwin -- Avoiding the next financial crisis / Michael Musuraca -- From fiduciary duties to fiduciary relationships for socially responsible investment / Benjamin J. Richardson -- Effective shareholder engagement: the factors that contribute to shareholder salience / James Gifford -- Measuring the impact of engagement in Canada / Tessa Hebb, Heather Hachigian, and Rupert Allen -- The good corporate citizen / Ed Waitzer and Johnny Jaswal -- Misdeeds matter: long-term stock price performance after the filing of class-action lawsuits / Rob Bauer and Robin Braun -- Targeted responsible investing / Tom Croft -- Social investment and responsible investment: their relationship and intersections in the mining industry / Caitlin McElroy
"In the face of the recent financial crisis there is increased focus on long-term investment strategies. This is particularly true for institutional investors who manage our retirement savings. Simultaneously there is increased demand that financial assets be invested with an understanding of long-term environmental and social sustainability. Responsible investing provides a long-term sustainable investment strategy that values environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in investment decision-making. Responsible Investing has always had a broad mandate. Put simply, it is a long-term sustainable investment strategy that seeks to reduce risk in investment portfolios through managing ESG issues in today's corporations. The Next Generation of Responsible Investment explores this topic in an edited volume intended for those with an interest in finance and business."--Publisher's website