"Myth and geology" session held at the 32nd International Geological Congress in Florence, Italy, in August 2004
Includes bibliographical references and index
Geomythology : geological origins of myths and legends / D.B. Vitaliano -- Exploring the nature of myth and its role in science / W.B. Masse ... [et al.] -- Geo-mythology of India / D. Chandrasekharam -- Genesis chapter 1 and geological time from Hugo Grotius and Marin Mersenne to William Conybeare and Thomas Chalmers (1620-1825) / M.B. Roberts -- Environment and natural hazards in Roman and medieval texts : presentation of the CLEMENS database project / E. Vittori, S. Fulloni & L. Piccardi -- From myth to earth education and science communication / T. Lanza & A. Negrete -- Folklore and earthquakes : Native American oral traditions from Cascadia compared with written traditions from Japan / R.S. Ludwin & G.J. Smits -- The AD 60 Denizli Basin earthquake and the apparition of Archangel Michael at Colossae (Aegean Turkey) / L. Piccardi -- Writing on the walls : geological context and early American spiritual beliefs / S.E. Hough -- The Fenris Wolf in the Nordic Asa creed in the light of palaeoseismics / N.-A. Mörner -- Band-e-Amir Lakes and Dragon Valley (Bamiyan) : myths and seismicity in Afghanistan / F.G. Bourrouilh-Le Jan, B. Akram & M. Schvoerer -- The Bible and geology : destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah / V.G. Trifonov -- Geological histories and geohazard potential of Pacific islands illuminated by myths / P.D. Nunn & R. Pastorizo -- Exploding lakes in myth and reality : an African case study / E. Shanklin -- Myth and catastrophic reality : using myth to identify cosmic impacts and massive Plinian eruptions in Holocene South America / W.B. Masse & M.J. Masse -- Cosmogenic mega-tsunami in the Australia region : are they supported by Aboriginal and Maori legends? / E. Bryant, G. Walsh & D. Abbott -- Meteorite records in the ancient Greek and Latin literature : between history and myth / M. D'Orazio -- Sooty sweat stains or tourmaline spots? The Argonauts on the island of Elba (Tuscany) and the spread of Greek trading in the Mediterranean Sea / A. Dini ... [et al.] -- Place names describing fossils in oral traditions / A. Mayor -- Giants and elephants of Sicily / V. Agnesi, C. Di Patti & B. Truden -- On the discovery of the ice age : science and myth / W.H. Berger -- Shepherds' crowns, fairy loaves and thunderstones : the mythology of fossil echinoids in England / K.J. McNamara -- Obsidian : sacred glass from the California sky / S. Fox Hodgson -- Erratic blocks : from protector beings to geosites to be protected / L. Motta & M. Motta -- The contribution of the 'Sibilla Appenninica' legend to karst knowledge in the Sibillini Mountains (central Apennines, Italy) / D. Aringoli ... [et al.]
Archaeological geology, Congresses
Legends-- Interpretation, Congresses
Masse, W. Bruce
Piccardi, L., (Luigi)
International Geological Congress(32nd :2004 :, Florence, Italy)