Social, emotional, and personality development in context
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
1. Critical issues and theoretical viewpoints / Willard W. Hartup -- 2. Trends, travails, and turning points in early research on children's peer relationships : legacies and lessons for our time? / Gary W. Ladd -- 3. Children's behaviors and interactions with peers / Richard A. Fabes ... [et al.] -- 4. Methods for investigating children's relationships with friends / Thomas J. Berndt and Melissa A. McCandless -- 5. Sociometric methods / Antonius H. N. Cillessen -- 6. Assessment of the peer group : identifying naturally occurring social networks and capturing their effects / Thomas A. Kindermann and Scott D. Gest -- 7. The beginnings of peer relations / Dale F. Hay ... [et al.] -- 8. Peer interactions and play in early childhood / Robert J. Coplan and Kimberley A. Arbeau -- 9. Social-emotional competence in early childhood / Linda Rose-Krasnor and Susanne Denham -- 10. Friendship in early childhood / Carollee Howes -- 11. Structural descriptions of social transactions among young children : affiliation and dominance in preschool groups / Brian E. Vaughn and Antonio José Santos -- 12. Friendship as process, function, and outcome / William M. Bukowski ... [et al.] -- 13. The behavioral basis of acceptance, rejection, and perceived popularity / Steven R. Asher and Kristina L. McDonald -- 14. Social exclusion in childhood and adolescence / Melanie Killen ... [et al.] -- 15. Conflict in peer relationship / Brett Laursen and Gwen Pursell -- 16. Aggression and peer relationships in school-age children : relational and physical aggression in group and dyadic contexts / Nicki R. Crick ... [et al.] -- 17. Avoiding and withdrawing from the peer group / Kenneth H. Rubin ... [et al.] -- 18. Bullies, victims, and bully-victim relationships in middle childhood and early adolescence / Christina Salmivalli and Kätlin Peets -- 19. Adolescent romantic relationships and experiences / Wyndol Furman and W. Andrew Collins -- 20. Informal peer groups in middle childhood and adolescence / B. Bradford Brown and Erin L. Dietz -- 21. Sex differences in peer relationships / Amanda J. Rose and Rhiannon L. Smith -- 22. Race and ethnicity in peer relations research / Sandra Graham ... [et al.] -- 23. Neighborhood contexts of peer relationships and groups / Håkan Stattin and Margaret Kerr -- 24. Peer interactions and relationships from a cross-cultural perspective / Xinyin Chen, Janet Chung and Celia Hsiao -- 25. Genetic factors in children's peer relations / Mara Brendgen and Michel Boivin -- 26. Temperament, self-regulation, and peer social competence / Nancy Eisenberg ... [et al.] -- 27. Child-parent attachment relationships, peer relationships, and peer-group functioning / Cathryn Booth-LaForce and Kathryn A. Kerns -- 28. Family influences on children's peer relationships / Hildy Ross and Nina Howe -- 29. Peers and academic functioning at school / Kathryn R. Wentzel -- 30. Peer reputations and psychological adjustment / Mitchell J. Prinstein ... [et al.] -- 31. The role of friendship in child and adolescent psychosocial development / Frank Vitaro ... [et al.] -- 32. Deviant by design : peer contagion in development, interventions, and schools / Thomas J. Dishion and Timothy F. Piehler -- 33. Social skills training to improve peer relations / Karen L. Bierman and C. J. Powers
"Experiences with peers have a tremendous impact on children's social, emotional, and cognitive development. Yet until now, no single volume has synthesized the growing body of knowledge on peer relations from infancy through adolescence. This comprehensive, authoritative handbook fills that gap. Leading researchers cover the breadth of theories, methods, and empirically based findings on the dynamics of peer interactions and relationships and their crucial role in children's well-being and adjustment." "This timely reference belongs on the shelves of developmental, clinical, school, and educational psychologists; counselors; and other researchers and practitioners interested in socioemotional development. IT will serve as a highly informative text in graduate-level courses."--BOOK JACKET