Can you believe this witness? (State v. Gene Goodlin) -- One bullet pierces two hearts (State v. Roy Cartwright) -- Stop or I'll shoot (State v. Armando Cosimi) -- Rape or consensual sex? (State v. Maurice Vernon) -- Revenge of the battered woman (State v. Maria Carvalho) -- Assisted suicide or murder? (State v. Stephen Sarko) -- I won't let Rosa die (Elise Warner, guardian for Rosa Moscini, v. Gunther Marx -- Md) -- Does he need marijuana to stay alive? (State v. Sam Kepner) -- Death of a bully (State v. James Alford) -- While the children waited in the car (State v. Tyrone Washburn) -- Did a father kidnap his daughter? (State v. Paul Storm and George McClure) -- They all look alike (State v. Gary Buckles) -- The missing murder victim (State v. Marlon Boyd) -- Two sheriffs go too far (Caleb Peters v. County of wheeler and two deputy -- Sheriffs, Rita Weldon and George Marisal) -- A jealous husband resorts to violence (State v. Kurt Schaeffer) -- A prisoner's dilemma : escape or die (State v. Eddie Carter) -- A policeman's habit (State v. Edward Mayfield) -- Who killed Sara Parson? (State v. Jason Tungstin) -- Once lovers, now enemies (Lynn Daniels v. Alan Kaufman, M.D.) -- A memory revived (State v. Henry Barker)
Real-life jury trials presented from the viewpoint of a juror, involving rape, constitutional rights, assisted suicide, a battered wife who killed her husband, a father who forcibly removed his adult daughter from a cult, and a lawsuit for infliction of emotional distress. General jury instructions are in the back of the book, presenting the law that applies to each case. The reader decides on a verdict, then reads through the questions and answers that follow each trial, and finally, what the real jury decided
Criminal justice, Administration of-- United States, Digests