Cicero ; translated with introductions and notes by D.R. Shackleton Bailey.
[Atlanta, Ga.] :
SP [Scholars Press],
xiii, 263 p. ;
23 cm.
Classical resources series / American Philological Association ;
no. 4
Includes bibliographical references (p. xiii) and indexes.
THE SPEECHES: Speech of thanks in the Senate (Post reditum in senatu) -- The speech of thanks to the citizens (Post reditum ad quirites) -- On his house (De domo sua) -- On the answers of the Haruspices (De haruspicumresponsis) -- In the defense of Publius Sestius (Pro P. Sestio) -- Examination of the witness Publius Valinius (In P. Valinium testem interrogatio)
Back from exile.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Speeches, addresses, etc., Latin, Translations into English.